
June 21, 2016 in the Palace of Students of NTU “KPI” held “Day of the Faculty of entrants MT”.

June 21, 2016 at the Palace of Students of NTU “KPI” It held a “Day of entrants Mechanics and Technology Faculty”, in which he took part and the Chair of “Labor&Environment Protection”.
At a meeting with the administration, post-graduate students, students and lecturers Faculty came only about 50 students and their parents.

During the meeting, the applicants received comprehensive information about the department and its departments, got acquainted with the peculiarities of student life at the Faculty of social work and student organizations such as student government body “Students’ Alliance”, the Student Council and the Student hostel of the Faculty Union Bureau.

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February 11, 2016 in the National Technical University “Kharkov Polytechnic Institute” was receiving delegations WSZOP Ц Higher occupational safety and health management school in Katowice (Poland).
Katowice University Chancellor Malgorzata Sikorski and the representative of the Rector for International Cooperation Claudia Tyrala met with the deans, heads of departments and students, and also made a presentation of educational programs WSZOP.

Additional resources: http://www.kpi.kharkov.ua/.


25-26 March 2015 – the students of MT-53, MT-54 took part in the Olympics in the disciplines of “Civil Protection” and “Fundamentals of Labour protection”, which took place at the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine (Kharkiv).
March 24, 2015 – Students took part in II-th round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the field of science “Applied geometry, engineering graphics and ergonomics” (NTU “KhPI”).


December 5-6, 2013 – V International Scientific and Practical Conference “Human security in modern conditions”. Materials Regional Student Conference “Kharkiv, students, ecology.” – Kharkiv, NTU “KPI”, 2013. – 200 P. – View or download (PDF).
Materials V International Scientific and Methodological Conference “HUMAN SECURITY IN MODERN CONDITIONS”. – Kharkiv, NTU “KPI”, 2013. – 181 P. – View or download (PDF).