The career guidance work of the OandES department is ongoing

Career orientation work has become one of the main types of activities of the OandES department. Understanding the importance of this direction, scientific and pedagogical workers take an active part in various career guidance events. These are the speeches in front of applicants in online format (Yascheritsin E., Movmyga N. and others), Kahut quizzes (Mezentseva I., Kuzmenko O. and others), Read more

Academic mobility of students

As part of the work program of the “Occupational and Environmental Safety” department of NTU “KhPI” on international academic mobility of students, today the student of the MIT-622 group Lyashko Valeriya is undergoing an internship at the Jan Dlugosz University in Częstochowa (JDU) (Poland). Such an internship is possible for any student of our department thanks to the Agreement Read more