Internship – Czech Republic 2024

The training of students of the “Occupational Safety and Environmental Safety” department of NTU “KhPI” provides for the possibility of an internship for students of education under the international academic mobility program. So, to date, the student of the MIT-M623 group Elizaveta Sotnikova was invited to Erasmus Student Mobility and is undergoing a scientific internship at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic, within the framework of the ERASMUS + KA1 program, coordinated by the European Commission. The internship under the ERASMUS+ Student Mobility program will last from September 7, 2024 to November 8, 2024 in the city of Pilsen, Czech Republic.


Sotnikova Elizaveta’s internship at the University of West Bohemia includes studying the following disciplines:

  1. Course syllabus KTO/DP-2024 – 6 ECTS
  2. Course syllabus KTO/EXK-2024 – 2 ECTS.

The expected results of the internship are studying under the Erasmus + KA1 program, receiving credits for passing exams at the University of West Bohemia (Plzen, Czech Republic).

Senior teacher of the Department “OS&ES”, Ph.D. Yashchenko Larysa