Distance career guidance events at Zolochiv Lyceum №3 and the Kharkiv Regional Center for Vocational Education of Printing Media Technologies and Mechanical Engineering

Active career orientation work continues regarding the admission of applicants in 2025 to specialty 263 “Civil Security” educational program “Occupational safety and health”. Docent Eugene Yascheritsin remote career guidance events were held on October 15 with students of the 11th grade of Zolochiv Lyceum №3 (Kharkiv region) and on October 17 with students of the Kharkiv Regional Center for Vocational Education of Polygraphic Media Technologies and Mechanical Engineering.

In Zolochiv Lyceum №3, the event was held with the active support and assistance of the deputy director of educational work, teacher Inna Vyacheslavivna Lomynoga, and 20 schoolchildrens from the 11th grade took part in it.

In the Kharkiv Regional Center for Vocational Education of Printing Media Technologies and Mechanical Engineering, the event was held with the help and active support of the Deputy Director of Education Svitlana Viktorivna Moiseyenko, 17 schoolchildrens took part in it.

During these events, the speaker told the audience about various aspects of the past admissions campaign to higher educational institutions in 2024, the advantages of studying at NTU “KhPI”, in particular, and in the specialty 263 “Civil Security” educational program “Occupational safety and health” and prospects employment and career growth.

Speaking before the students, the speaker organically combined the demonstration of the presentation with information about the specialty and conducting demonstrative measurements with the devices of the educational laboratory of the “Occupational and Environmental Safety” department of some parameters of harmful and dangerous production factors, namely, temperature – with a Mestek IR01C pyrometer; illumination – with a Yu-116 lux meter; speed of air movement – with the vane anemometer VTMETER VT-816B and cup MS-13.

During the event, event participants asked questions related to various aspects of education and admission to higher educational institutions, in particular, specialty 263 “Civil Security” at NTU “KhPI”.
It should be noted that the events were significant events in the educational work carried out in these educational institutions. This is evidenced by messages on the Facebook page of Zolochiv Lyceum №3 – https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100057645662905 and the website of the Kharkiv Regional Center for Vocational Education of Printing Media Technologies and Mechanical Engineering – https://news.poligraf.kharkiv.ua/17.10.24.html.

Undoubtedly, all this will contribute to the further popularization of the specialty 263 “Civil Safety” educational program “Occupational safety and health”, training in which takes place at the Department of “Occupational Safety and Environment” at NTU “KhPI”.
Distance career guidance work of the department’s teachers continues!

Associate professor of the department «OandES» Eugene Yascheritsin