12/10/2024 – the 2nd day of the master’s attestation exam in specialty 263 “Civil security”

On December 10, 2024, the second day of the master’s attestation exam in the specialty 263 “Civil security” under the “Occupational safety and health” educational program at the “OandES” department took place. All students demonstrated a high level of technical qualification in the field of occupational health and safety. Their professional answers to the commission’s questions and their ability to express their opinions clearly and clearly confirmed the high competence of the future specialists.

Special mention should be made of Ya.A. Samborsky, who showed himself as the best master, demonstrating deep knowledge and high professional skills.

We wish all graduates great success in their professional careers and significant achievements in the future!

Associate professor of the department «OandES», Nataliia Yevtushenko

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