Academic mobility of students

As part of the work program of the “Occupational and Environmental Safety” department of NTU “KhPI” on international academic mobility of students, today the student of the MIT-622 group Lyashko Valeriya is undergoing an internship at the Jan Dlugosz University in Częstochowa (JDU) (Poland). Such an internship is possible for any student of our department thanks to the Agreement Read more

Career orientation with schoolchildren of Kharkiv Lyceum №26

As part of the career guidance work regarding the admission of applicants to the specialty 263 “Civil Security” of the “Occupational safety and health” educational program on 28.02.2024, a joint career guidance event was held with students of the 11th grade of Kharkiv Lyceum №26 by employees of the “Higher Mathematics” departments – the head department Pershina Yu. and “Occupational and environmental safety” – assoc. prof. Yashcheritsyn E. Read more

Career guidance events February 12-15, 2024

As part of the career guidance work regarding the admission of applicants to specialty 263 «Civil security» of the «Occupational safety and health» educational program on February 12, 2024, assoc. prof. Yascheritsin E. a remote career guidance event was held with students of the final year of the Kharkiv College of Transport Technologies, and on February 15 of the same year with students of the 10th grade of the communal institution «Kharkiv Lyceum №5». The career guidance event at Kharkiv Lyceum №5 was held with the active support and assistance of teacher Rybalchenko I.M. Read more

The results of the student survey conducted on January 17-24, 2024

From January 17 to 24, 2024, in accordance with the order of the vice-rector of NTU “KhPI” R.P. Mygushchenko. for the purpose of critical assessment and improvement of the learning strategy, as well as receiving feedback from students, the Department of Occupational and Environmental Safety conducted a survey of students of 1-6 courses through the heads of student academic groups. Out of 53 students currently studying at the department in full-time and part-time study, 38 students took part in the survey. Read more

An interview with an international magazine Pakistan’s premier bimonthly maritime research and news bulletin

Досить тривалий час Національний інститут морських справ (National Institute of Maritime Affairs, NIMA) кампус Університету Бахрії у Карачі, проводить дослідження в галузі екології і екологічної безпеки пов’язаними з суспільством та водними і морськими ресурсами. Основні результати цих досліджень публікуються у міжнародних наукових виданнях, в тому числі і Головному бюлетні морських досліджень і новин Пакистану (Pakistan’s Premier Bimonthly Maritime Research and News Bulletin), що виходить раз у дві місяця. Read more

Career guidance event at Zolochiv Lyceum No. 2

As part of career orientation work on the admission of applicants to specialty 263 “Civil Security” of the “Occupational safety and health” educational program on January 26, 2024, associate prof. of department Yascheritsin Evgen a distance career orientation event was held with students of the communal institution Zolochiv Lyceum No. 2 of the Kharkiv region. The event was held with the active support and assistance of the administration of this educational institution, namely, the deputy director for educational work – L.M. Tkach. 21 students of the 11th grade took part in the event. Read more

Winter kahutiada at the department of OandES

40 Kahoot quizzes under the slogan “Winter Kahutiada” were held live on the Telegram channel from January 8 to 12, 2024 for potential applicants and future students of NTU “KhPI” as part of the educational and entertainment event “Vacation with Polytech”.

The topic of our Kahoot quiz is “The wonderful world of microclimate: from winter to…”, and it was held in online format on January 9, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. by Mezentseva Irina, associate professor of the department.  Read more