Meeting on accreditation of EPP

July 4, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. under the chairmanship of the vice-rector professor R. Mygushchenko a meeting was held regarding the future accreditation. Issues related to the strategy of preparation of accreditation cases were discussed at the meeting. From our department, the head of the department S. Vambol, the guarantors of OP I. Mezentseva and N. Yevtushenko and representatives from stakeholders – S. Mezentsev Read more

Event at Izyum lyceum №10

Despite the approaching completion of the 2023/2024 academic year in general educational institutions, the teachers of the department continue active career orientation work regarding the admission of applicants to specialty 263 “Civil security” of the “Occupational safety and health” educational program. One of the events of this work was the holding on 14.06.2024 of assoc. prof. Yascheritsin Eugene distance career guidance event with 11th grade students of Izyum lyceum №10. Read more

Kahoot «Quality lighting is the key to safety»

As part of the celebration of the Day of Science in Ukraine 📡 and the UNESCO International Day of Light in 2024 for potential entrants and future students of assoc. prof. I. Mezentseva May 14, 2024 an informative and entertaining event Kahoot was held live on the Telegram channel, which was called «High-quality lighting – a guarantee of safety».
It should be noted that despite the end of the academic year in general educational institutions, there is a significant interest of schoolchildren in participating in such events. Read more

Career orientation event with students of Kharkiv lyceum №100

Active career guidance work continues for the admission of entrants to specialty 263 “Civil Security” of the “Occupational safety and health” educational program. As part of it, on May 20, assoc. prof. E. Yashcheritsyn a remote career guidance event was held with students of Kharkiv lyceum № 100. It was held with the active support and assistance of the administration of this educational institution and teacher O. Pavlenko. 13 students from the 10th grade took part in the event. Read more

International Day of Light and career guidance in Poltava

The participation of the teachers of the «Occupational Safety and Environmental Safety» department of NTU «KhPI» in science festivals, in particular, in International Day of Light as part of the UNESCO World Initiative, has already become traditional. This year, the commemoration of this event took place on May 24 at the Poltava Polytechnic College of NTU «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute», which is celebrating its 80th anniversary this year.
It is the close cooperation of the teaching staff of NTU «KhPI» with the students of the said college and schoolchildren of Poltava city that gives impetus to career guidance work and the formation of the future student community of NTU «KhPI». Read more

XXXII International scientific and practical conference MicroCAD-2024

XXXII International Scientific and Practical Conference «Information Technologies: Science, Engineering, Technology, Education, Health (MicroCAD-2024)»

The XXXII International Scientific and Practical Conference «Information Technologies: Science, Engineering, Technology, Education, Health (MicroCAD-2024)» was held in Kharkiv Polytechnic. Employees of our department also joined this event. Read more

Successes of our winners and their supervisors in competitions of student scientific works

Student science has always been one of the most powerful foundations for the formation of applicants as qualified specialists. Immersing in scientific experiments, students acquire both theoretical knowledge and practical skills on the topic of their research. In this they are helped by their academic supervisors of our department. A strong team of our scientific and pedagogical workers performed such work this year as well. It should be said that the scientific works presented by students for competitions are achievements not only of this academic year. Read more