News of career orientation work of the department

The new 2024/2025 academic year began with the continuation of career guidance work at the Department of Occupational and environmental safety. The formed new plan of career guidance activities will take into account the experience of previous work and is aimed at improving the results of work with applicants. In addition to traditional events (online meeting with school graduates, holding KAHUTs, participation in Open Doors Days), work with foreign applicants was also planned.

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Holding the annual international conference “Human security in modern conditions” in 2024

Dear colleagues, students, specialists!
We invite you to participate in ХVІ International scientific and methodical conference «HUMAN SECURITY IN MODERN CONDITIONS», which is held annually on the basis of the department “Occupational and environmental safety of the NTU “KhPI””.
The conference is included in the list of scientific conferences of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine and is taken into account by the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. Read more

Internship – Czech Republic 2024

The training of students of the “Occupational Safety and Environmental Safety” department of NTU “KhPI” provides for the possibility of an internship for students of education under the international academic mobility program. So, to date, the student of the MIT-M623 group Elizaveta Sotnikova was invited to Erasmus Student Mobility and is undergoing a scientific internship at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic, within the framework of the ERASMUS + KA1 program, coordinated by the European Commission. Read more

Internship news – Poland 2024

Within the framework of the project on international academic mobility, namely, the semester academic exchange, the student of the MIT-622 group Lyashko Valeriya Serhiyivna was carried out an internship at the University named after Jan Dlugosha in Częstochowa (Poland) (UYAD) in the period from 03/01/2024 to 05/31/2024. This became possible thanks to the Cooperation Agreement between the University named after Jan Dlugosha in Częstochowa (Poland) (UYAD) and the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” (NTU “KhPI”), within the framework of which the Annex to the Agreement Read more

Achievements of foreign students in the international competition of scientific works of 2024

On June 7, 2024, a student of the MIT-M623 group, Yujun Liu (scientific supervisor, assoc. prof. Nataliia Yevtushenko) took part in the International competition of student research papers in the specialty 263 – Civil security, which was held on the basis of the Kremenchug National University named M. Ostrogradskyi (Section «Technogenic and Industrial Safety» / Section «Technogenic and Industrial Safety»). Read more

XXXII International scientific and practical conference MicroCAD-2024

XXXII International Scientific and Practical Conference «Information Technologies: Science, Engineering, Technology, Education, Health (MicroCAD-2024)»

The XXXII International Scientific and Practical Conference «Information Technologies: Science, Engineering, Technology, Education, Health (MicroCAD-2024)» was held in Kharkiv Polytechnic. Employees of our department also joined this event. Read more

Participation of the «Occupational and Environmental Safety» department of National Technical University «KhPI» in the International Student Research Competition «Black Sea Science 2024»

The prestigious annual international competition of student scientific works “Black Sea Science” was held this year with the participation of both Ukrainian and foreign institutions (
This year, for the first time, students of the Department of Science and Technology took part in the competition, namely in the Ecology and Environmental Protection section, in which 68 student scientific works from more than 130 participants from Ukraine, Read more