Quality and effectiveness of mathematical training


The Higher Mathematics Department is the oldest NTU KhPI unit

The development of the methodology of teaching mathematics was inspired by the most prominent scientists, academicians A.M. Lyapunov, V.A. Steklov and others. The staff of the department tries to preserve the traditions laid down by the founders of the department at all stages of its formation and development, continues scientific work, develops the established directions in the modern mathematical training of university students.

 The highly professional staff of the department devotes a lot of effort and energy to improving the mathematical training of students of the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, improving the quality and efficiency of the educational process. Every year, the teachers of the department teach higher mathematics to more than 2 thousand students. In recent years, the department has prepared and published more than 70 methodological developments, more than 30 textbooks and teaching aids, 10 of which are stamped by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 5 textbooks and 6 monographs.

ХПИ Главный аудиторный копус ХПИ

The department teaches many academic disciplines. All courses taught are provided with methodological recommendations and literature. In recent years, more than 70 methodological developments, 14 textbooks, 5 manuals and 3 monographs have been prepared and published. The highly professional staff of the department devotes a lot of effort and energy to the mathematical training of students, doing everything possible to improve the quality and efficiency of the educational process.

Almost four thousand full-time students study mathematics every year. The staff of the department takes an active part in the work of annual international conferences and in the exchange of research experience. The department is actively engaged in research activities, participates in the implementation of economic contractual and state budget topics.