Web of Science
He graduated from NTU “KhPI” in 2002 with a degree in “Chemical technology of fuels and carbon materials” and obtained the qualification of chemical engineer-researcher.
In 2006 he defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences
In 2017 he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences.
Candidate of Technical Sciences in specialty 05.07.07 – chemical technology of fuels and fuels and lubricants (2006), “Optimization of reactivity as an integral indicator of coke quality”.
Doctor of Technical Sciences, specialty 05.17.07 – chemical technology of fuels and fuels and lubricants (2017), “Development of the theory and practice of using oxidized coal for the production of blast furnace coke.”
Academic status
Professor of 161 – Chemical Technology and Engineering (2019).
State awards
laureate of the prize of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for special achievements of youth in the development of Ukraine (2010), laureate of the prize of the President of Ukraine for young scientists (2018).
Characteristics of activities, main directions of scientific research
Head of the scientific school “Chemistry and technology of coke production and processing of solid, liquid and gaseous combustible minerals” NTU “KhPI”, directly involved in the development and implementation of methods for assessing and improving the yield and quality of blast furnace coke and chemical coking products in research, design and coke enterprises of Kharkiv region and Ukraine, as well as assessment of the quality of oil and gas condensate from the fields of Kharkiv region. Diploma of the Kyiv District Council of Kharkiv (2005), diploma of the winner of the second regional competition “The best young scientist of Kharkiv region” (2007), scholarship holder of the named scholarship HODA for gifted youth in science in the nomination – technical sciences named after Georgy Fedorovich Proskura (2009), Diploma of the Ministry of Industrial Policy of Ukraine (2010), Diploma of the Department of Science and Education of HODA (2019). Miroshnichenko DV member of the Scientific Council of the Ministry of Education and Science in section 8 “Technologies of mining and processing of minerals” (Kyiv) and the Scientific and Technical Council of the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine in the section “coal”, member of state technical committees for standardization TC-92 “Coal and products of its processing” (Kyiv) and TC-12 “COX” (Kharkiv); member of the Academic Council of the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” and the State Enterprise “Ukrainian State Research Coal Chemical Institute” SE “UKHIN” (Kharkov); member of the technical council of the State Enterprise “State Institute for Design of Coke Industry Enterprises” SE “GIPROKOKS” (Kharkov); member of the editorial board of the journals CokeandChemistry (Scopus), Coal Chemical Journal (Copernicus), Bulletin of the National Technical University “KhPI” Series: “Chemistry, Chemical Technology and Ecology”; co-chairman of the organizing committee of the I, II and III International scientific and technical conferences “Modern technologies of fuel processing” (Kharkov, 2018, 2019 and 2020); member of special scientific councils D 26.062.09 and D 64.822.01 for the defense of dissertations at the National Aviation University (Kyiv) and SE “UKHIN” (Kharkiv); Member of the Presidium of the Kharkiv Regional Committee of the Trade Union of Metallurgists and Miners of Ukraine (Kharkiv) and the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Metallurgists and Miners of Ukraine (Dnipro). Miroshnychenko DV participates in the research project “ESTImationofcoalVALue-in-useintermsofCSRunderdifferentcarbonizationconditions (ESTIVAL)” within the Coal and Steel Research Foundation of the European Commission, and is a curator of the ERASMUS + program with Istanbul University of Technology. In addition, he is a scientific expert of the international program HORIZON 2020.
Lecture courses
– Synthesis based on combustible minerals;
– Classification of combustible minerals;
– Modern technologies for processing hydrocarbons
(057) – 707-68-83, + 38-050-842-83-58