We invite you to participate in the Third International Scientific.


National Technical University “Kharkov Polytechnic Institute”


The Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Social Systems Management of the academician I. Zyazyun, Kharkov Fund of Psychological Research, Association of Psychologists of Ukraine (Kharkov), Baltic International Academy (Riga, Latvia), Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University (Minsk, Belarus)


Dear colleagues!

We invite you to participate in the Third International Scientific Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young scientists


The conference will be held on 18-19 of October 2017 on the basis of the National Technical University “Kharkov Polytechnic Institute”

The forms of the conference: face-to-face and remote.

Languages of the conference: Ukrainian, Russian, English.

Address of the Organizing Committee: Ukraine, 61002, Kharkov, 2 Kyrpychov str., U2 Academic building.
Telephone: + 38-057-707-64-90, + 38-057-707-68-60
E-mail: psy_conference_khpi@ukr.net
Information about the conference can be found on the official website of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Social Systems Management of the academician I. Zyazyun of NTU “KhPI” http://web.kpi.kharkov.ua/ppuss/ru/konferentsii

The main areas of the conference:

Section 1. Formation of the modern leader: the challenges of nowadays. Head of the section: PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Pedagogy and Psychology of Social Systems Management Department of the academician I. Zyazyun Yulia Chebakova; secretary of the section: a 3rd year student of Pedagogy and Psychology of Social Systems Management Department of the academician I.Zyazyun Anna Sherbak.

 Section 2. Psychological and pedagogical experience in the formation of national humanitarian and technical elite. Head of the section: PhD in Psychology, senior teacher of Pedagogy and Psychology of Social Systems Management Department of the academician I. Zyazyun Yana Movchan; secretary of the section: a 3rd year student of Pedagogy and Psychology of Social Systems Management Department of the academician I.Zyazyun Yelizaveta Gulakova.

Section 3. Organizational, professional and social roles in the modern specialist’s activity.  Head of the section: PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Pedagogy and Psychology of Social Systems Management Department of the academician I. Zyazyun Olga Kvasnyk; secretary of the section: a 2nd year student of Master’s degree course of Pedagogy and Psychology of Social Systems Management Department of the academician I.Zyazyun Alina Rybalchenko.

Section 4. “From adaptation to career-guidance” – The role of school psychological services in the formation of the future generation. Head of the section: PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Pedagogy and Psychology of Social Systems Management Department of the academician I. Zyazyun Larisa Gren;  secretary of the section: a 4th year student of Pedagogy and Psychology of Social Systems Management Department of the academician I.Zyazyun Karina Tarasova.

Section 5. Psychological and pedagogical technologies of the development of a person’s leadership potential. Head of the section: PhD in Pedagogy, senior teacher of Pedagogy and Psychology of Social Systems Management Department of the academician I. Zyazyun Victoria Shapolova;  secretary of the section: a 2nd year student of Master’s degree course of Pedagogy and Psychology of Social Systems Management Department of the academician I.Zyazyun Yelena Forinko.

Section 6. Formation and development of a person’s leadership potential in the field of physical culture and sports. Head of the section: PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Physical Education Department Artyom Tinyakov;  secretary of the section: a postgraduate of Pedagogy and Psychology of Social Systems Management Department of the academician I.Zyazyun Anton Rochnyak.


“Positive thinking and Crisis: the solutions”
Leading teacher: Professor Andrey Cherkashin

“Training of the effective employment “FIVE STEPS INTO THE FUTURE”
Leading teacher: Associate Professor Nina Podbutskaya, Associate Professor Janna Bogdan

“Transformational game as an innovative means of the formation of a person’s life and career strategies”
Leading teacher: Associate Professor Irina Shtuchenko.

“Image as a necessary start of the effective leader’s activity”
Leading teacher: Postgraduate of the Department Victoria Bondarenko

“Metaphorical associative maps as a tool for counseling”
Leading teacher: Professor Galina Popova, Associate Professor Natalia Miloradova


Leading teacher: Associate Professor Anastasia Knysh


Executive secretary of the conference
PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor of Pedagogy and Psychology of Social Systems Management Department of the academician I. Zyazyun Janna Bogdan

Technical secretary of the conference
Engineer of Pedagogy and Psychology of Social Systems Management Department of the academician I. Zyazyun Alyona Shefer
Telephone: + 38-057-707-68-60

Participation fee: face-to-face − 150 UAH, remote − 100 UAH. It includes: for participants using the form of physical presence − the certificate of a participant, a program of the conference, a collection of the conference materials in electronic form, participation in master classes, in a student quest “Psychological labyrinth”, in a creative program that is dedicated to the ceremonial closing of the conference, a coffee break; for participants using the remote form – the certificate of a participant, a program of the conference, a collection of the conference materials in electronic form.

Transfer of funds for participation in the conference is made by sending money to a bank account of the “PRIVATBANK” to the number 5168 7572 9450 1301 registered in the name of Tatiana Gura. Transfer fee is paid by the participant.

To participate in the conference it is necessary to send to the Organizing Committee’s e-mail psy_conference_khpi@ukr.net separate files until 10 of September 2017:
− participant application (for example: I.Ivanov_application), noting the corresponding number of the section in the subject line;
− theses (no more than 3 pages);
− a digital image of the transfer of payment for the conference (I.Ivanov_payment).

The Organizing committee is not liable to participants who fail to send their applications and participation fee in time.