Holding of “Open Doors Day NTU “KhPI”

The NTU “KhPI” Open Doors Day took place on November 26, 2017. The first event was held in a new format and gathered the largest in the history of the event, the number of participants – about one and a half thousand people – was held in a new format : a festival of experimental and experimental territory, where experiments on physics, chemistry and other sciences were demonstrated. The concert of the Open Door Day was a rock concert.

9.11.2017 – students visited “Korum Light Miner”

On November 9, 2017, the students of the group MT-57 with their leader Anna Mikhailovna Pancheva visited the “Korum Light Miner” Company.

The purpose of this event was to familiarize future managers of labor protection with their work at the enterprise.