On December 26 from 11:00 a.m. at the base of Khpi National Technical University. until 3:00 p.m., the “Polytech-2024” job fair took place offline in the bomb shelter of the university.
Representatives of more than twenty enterprises and organizations took part in the Fair, including: Nestlé company Tehnocom Limited Liability Company, Kharkiv Machine-Building Plant “Svitlo Shakhtarya” Open Joint-Stock Company, Kharkiv IT Klaster, Employment Service, Kharkivoblenergo Joint-Stock Company, various IT companies and others.
Traditionally, students and future graduates of NTU “KhPI” are invited to such events. The students of our department studying specialty 263 “Civil Security” educational program “Occupational safety and health” are no exception. Together with the head of the department, professor Serhiy VAMBOL, and the curator of the group, associate professor Oleksandr YANCHYK, students of the graduation and 2nd academic year took part in this event.
Associate professor O.G. Yanchyk takes care of the employment of our students, conducting industrial and other types of practice. who always maintains a fruitful and close relationship with our stakeholders and representatives of state organizations in the relevant areas of the department’s activities. Thus, during a meeting with representatives of Kharkiv machine-building enterprises, namely JSC “Kharkiv Machine-Building Plant “Svitlo Shakhtarya”, we discussed the opportunities for graduates of our specialty to build a career as an occupational safety professional in mechanical engineering.
Our department has a long-term cooperation agreement on the training and employment of labor protection specialists, in accordance with this, we hold meetings with the leading specialists of the plant, organize practical training, conduct events for the exchange of experience. Today, students of higher education in our specialty held a meeting with Svitlana Trofymenko, the representative of the plant’s personnel management, who in a meaningful way revealed the problematic issues regarding the need for occupational safety specialists and vacant positions of occupational safety engineers were offered.
Direct communication with representatives of employers is a unique opportunity to ask disturbing questions about working conditions, wages and prospects for professional growth.
Graduates of the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” of our department and students of higher education decided to share their thoughts and impressions.
Victoria OVSIANYK (DERKACH) (master’s degree graduate, 2020). I entered the university in 2015 at the Faculty of Economics. In 2019, I obtained a bachelor’s degree in “Personnel Management and Labor Economics”. For myself, I decided to get another specialty, so I entered the Department of Labor Protection, Civil Safety, which, in my opinion, combines these two specialties.
During my studies, we held various events, one of which was the Job Fair. It was attended by various employers, but I was interested in the offer from the Mivina factory, Technocom LLC, whose greatest value is people and workplace safety. After a successful interview, I was hired as a junior specialist in personnel management. Currently, I continue to work for the company, and currently hold the position of a specialist in the development and selection of personnel. For 5 years, in my work I have combined my 2 specialties, participated in various projects aimed at the safety of employees at the workplace. In order to increase the culture of occupational safety and prevent accidents, I visit the production 2 times a week, where I give recommendations to the company’s employees on safe behavior at the workplace.
I am grateful to the teachers of the department, curator O. Kuzmenko. and graduate supervisor N. Movmyga for knowledge that I use every day at work.
Elvira AKIMOVA:After visiting the career fair today, I was very impressed by the number of people who were able to offer students the opportunity to try themselves in various fields of their professions. The presence of so many students shows that all this is not in vain and they are interested, including me! I am grateful for this informative meeting, and I hope that I will be able to choose something for myself.
Anastasia FROLOVA: The job fair at NTU “KhPI” is a great opportunity for students and graduates to find their place in the labor market. This event becomes especially relevant, because it allows you to learn about the requirements of employers and get advice on career development. Meeting with representatives of more than 20 companies opens the door to new opportunities – from internships to permanent vacancies.
Yulia RUDNYEVA: At the employers’ fair, we met representatives of factories, enterprises and other institutions. They talked about internships, employment and practice. There was an opportunity to ask about career advancement, job requirements, and other job-related questions. On the whole, the meeting was friendly and informative for the students.
The staff of the department and our students sincerely thank the leadership of the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, representatives of companies, manufacturing enterprises, concerns, IT companies, state organizations for organizing and holding such an event.