Remote career guidance events in lyceums of Kharkiv, Konotop and Kharkiv region in January 2025

Active career orientation work continues regarding the admission of applicants in 2025 to the J4 “Occupational health and safety” specialty of the “Occupational health and safety” educational program. In January 2025 assoc. prof. Eugene Yascheritsin together with prof. Liudmyla Vaskovets regular remote career guidance events were held with eleventh-graders of Kharkiv lyceums №80 and 87; Konotop lyceum №2 and Zydykiv lyceum (Kharkiv region). In addition, career guidance information was forwarded to the administration of Konotop lyceum №5.

In Konotop Lyceum №2, the event was held on January 16 with the active support and assistance of Tetyana Oleksandrivna Butko, the deputy director of educational work, and Halyna Ivanovna Tsybina, the class teacher, and 9 students of the 11th grade and the teacher took part in it.

In the Zydyk lyceum named after G.I. Kovtun (Kharkiv region) the event was held on January 20 with the active support and assistance of lyceum director Yulia Vasylivna Rezhenko and teacher Commandant Ksenia Mykolaivna, 7 students and a teacher took part in it.

In Kharkiv lyceum №87, the event was held on January 21 with the active support and assistance of Iryna Mykolaivna Kozhevnikova, deputy director of educational work, and 18 students took part in the event.
In the Kharkiv lyceum №80, the event was held on January 23 with the active support and assistance of the deputy director of educational work Dmytrykova Olena Volodymyrivna and class teacher Varava Natalia Eduardivna, 25 students and three teachers took part in the event.

During these events, each of which lasted almost 30 minutes, assoc. prof. Eugene Yascheritsin told the audience both about various aspects of last year’s admission campaign to higher educational institutions, and about the preparation for this year’s, which has already begun. In turn, prof. Liudmyla Vaskovets spoke about the advantages of studying at NTU “KhPI”, in particular, the J4 “Occupational health and safety” specialty of the “Occupational health and safety” educational program, and the prospects for employment and career growth. The events aroused great interest among schoolchildren and teachers present at them, as evidenced by the considerable number of questions asked to the speakers.
Speaking before the students, assoc. prof. Eugene Yascheritsin organically combined the demonstration of the presentation with information about the specialty with demonstration measurements with the devices of the educational laboratory of the “Occupational and Environmental Safety” department of some parameters of harmful and dangerous production factors, namely, the temperature – with a Mestek IR01C pyrometer; illumination – with a Yu-116 lux meter; air movement speed – with the VTMETER VT-816V vane anemometer and the MC-13 cup, production noise – with the Robotron 00024 noise meter.
Distance career guidance work of the department’s teachers continues!

Associate professor of the department «OandES» Eugene Yascheritsin

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