Career orientation event with students of Kharkiv Lyceum №16

As part of the career guidance work regarding the admission of applicants to specialty 263 “Civil security” of the “Occupational safety and health” educational program on April 25, 2024, assoc. prof. Yashcheritsyn E.V. a remote career guidance event was held with students of Kharkiv Lyceum №16. The presentation material for this event was prepared by assoc. prof. Semenov E.O. The event was timed to the World Occupational Safety Day, which is celebrated this year on April 28, 2024. Read more

Participation of the «Occupational and Environmental Safety» department of National Technical University «KhPI» in the International Student Research Competition «Black Sea Science 2024»

The prestigious annual international competition of student scientific works “Black Sea Science” was held this year with the participation of both Ukrainian and foreign institutions (
This year, for the first time, students of the Department of Science and Technology took part in the competition, namely in the Ecology and Environmental Protection section, in which 68 student scientific works from more than 130 participants from Ukraine, Read more

OandES department at the Open Day of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Transport of NTU “KhPI”

This year, the open day of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Transport of NTU “KhPI” was held on April 2, 2024. A feature of this event was that it was simultaneously held both in the mode of live communication and remotely. The NNI MIT directorate prepared and conducted a very interesting interactive introduction of the entrants to the areas of training, during which the entrants got to know the representatives and presentations of the educational programs, Read more

The career guidance work of the OandES department is ongoing

Career orientation work has become one of the main types of activities of the OandES department. Understanding the importance of this direction, scientific and pedagogical workers take an active part in various career guidance events. These are the speeches in front of applicants in online format (Yascheritsin E., Movmyga N. and others), Kahut quizzes (Mezentseva I., Kuzmenko O. and others), Read more

Academic mobility of students

As part of the work program of the “Occupational and Environmental Safety” department of NTU “KhPI” on international academic mobility of students, today the student of the MIT-622 group Lyashko Valeriya is undergoing an internship at the Jan Dlugosz University in Częstochowa (JDU) (Poland). Such an internship is possible for any student of our department thanks to the Agreement Read more

Career orientation with schoolchildren of Kharkiv Lyceum №26

As part of the career guidance work regarding the admission of applicants to the specialty 263 “Civil Security” of the “Occupational safety and health” educational program on 28.02.2024, a joint career guidance event was held with students of the 11th grade of Kharkiv Lyceum №26 by employees of the “Higher Mathematics” departments – the head department Pershina Yu. and “Occupational and environmental safety” – assoc. prof. Yashcheritsyn E. Read more

Career guidance events February 12-15, 2024

As part of the career guidance work regarding the admission of applicants to specialty 263 «Civil security» of the «Occupational safety and health» educational program on February 12, 2024, assoc. prof. Yascheritsin E. a remote career guidance event was held with students of the final year of the Kharkiv College of Transport Technologies, and on February 15 of the same year with students of the 10th grade of the communal institution «Kharkiv Lyceum №5». The career guidance event at Kharkiv Lyceum №5 was held with the active support and assistance of teacher Rybalchenko I.M. Read more