SEMIT Department together with KhNURE and GO UNIT received a grant

We are pleased to announce the receiving of a Meet and Code grant! Girls and boys of Kharkov and Kharkov region will be able to join the versatility of the digital world during our Workshop event “Simply about the complex: Working with big data” (

The goal of the workshop is to attract students in grades 9-11 from different schools in the city of Kharkov and the Kharkiv region to the versatility of the digital world through acquaintance with one of the promising areas of IT – working with big data (Big Data).
Three events will be held on the basis of two Kharkiv universities, KhNURE and NTU “KhPI”. Workshops will be conducted by the certified specialists of the NVNDC “SAP Academy”.
Everyone can register at

Thanks to SAP, Haus des Stiftens gmbmb, TechSoup Europe and the NON-GOVERNMENTAL organization and the UKRAINIAN SCIENTIFIC AND EDUCATIONAL IT COMMUNITY.

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