Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D), Associate Professor.
Teaching experience: since 2016.
Academic Supervisor of the educational and professional program of the master’s level of higher education “Computer Science and Intelligent Systems” in specialty 122 – “Computer Science”.
Academic Secretary of the Specialised Academic Council at NTU “KhPI” D 64.050.20 for the defence of doctoral dissertations in the speciality 05.13.06 – Information Technology.
Number of scientific and educational publications – more than 100, among them: works in Scopus and Web of Science – more than 20.
Scientometric data: Scopus / Researcher ID / ORCID / Google Scholar
Research areas: Business Process Management, Enterprise Architecture, Business Intelligence, Databases and Data Warehouses, Intelligent Systems.
Courses: “Data models and structures”, “Databases”, “Design and development of databases”.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.
Teaching experience: since 1975.
Academic Supervisor of the educational and scientific program of the bachelor’s level of higher education “Computer Science and Intelligent Systems” in specialty 122 – “Computer Science”.
Number of scientific and educational publications – more than 100, among them: 1 monograph, 2 study guides, 4 works in Scopus and Web of Science.
Supervisor of 1 PhD dissertation.
Scientific supervisor of the R&D project: “Models and methods for the study and design of complex systems” 2019 – 2020.
Scientometric data: Scopus / Researcher ID / ORCID / Google Scholar
Research areas: models and methods of structural optimization of system technical and technological objects.
Courses: “Modeling of complex systems”, “Simulation”.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.
Teaching experience: since 1977.
Member of the SMC of Ukraine in Computer Science, executive editor of the collection of scientific papers “Bulletin of NTU “KhPI”, member of the special council on Information Technology.
Guarantor of the educational and scientific program of the third level (Doctor of Philosophy) of higher education “Computer Science” in specialty 122 – “Computer Science”.
Number of scientific and educational publications – more than 170, out of which: 4 monographs, 4 textbooks.
Supervisor of 2 doctoral dissertations, supervisor of 15 PhD theses.
Scientific supervisor of the R&D project: 0117U004806 “Development of information and analytical software for performance and quality management in complex systems with the European integration of Ukraine” 2016 – 2018; “Development of models and information and analytical technologies for planning the software development process quality improvement” 2019 – 2020.
Scientometric data: Scopus / Researcher ID / ORCID / Google Scholar
Research areas: decision support in the tasks of distributed systems development management; system optimization; software development process quality.
Courses: “Decision Making Theory”, “Models and Methods of Decision Support”.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Teaching experience: since 2010.
Deputy director of Educational and Scientific Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies.
Number of scientific and educational publications – more than 45, including 2 study guides.
Scientometric data: Scopus / Researcher ID / ORCID / Google Scholar
Research areas: Computer Modelling Packages for Physical and Technological Processes, Enterprise Architecture, Databases and Datawarehouses.
Courses: “Database design and development”, “Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics”.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.
Teaching experience: since 1994.
Academic Supervisor of the educational and scientific program of the master’s level of higher education “Computer Science and Intelligent Systems” in specialty 122 – “Computer Science”.
Number of scientific and educational publications – more than 110, including: monographs – 3, textbooks – 1 (3 co-authored, 1 in a foreign publishing house).
Responsible executor of the R&D project: 0117U004806 “Development of information and analytical support for efficiency and quality management in complex systems in the European integration of Ukraine”, 2016 – 2018.
Scientific supervisor of 2 PhD theses.
Scientometric data: Scopus / Researcher ID / ORCID / Google Scholar
Research areas: information technology, Enterprise Performance Management Systems, decision-making and strategic management, economic and mathematical modeling.
Courses: “Introduction to Business Analytics”, “Standards and Methodologies for IT Project Management”, “Economics and Business”, “IT Project Quality Management”, “IT Project Risk Management”, “Fundamentals of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence”, “Modern Management Theory”, “Fundamentals of Organization Development Management”.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.
Teaching experience: since 2009.
Number of scientific and educational publications – more than 80, including: monographs – 0, textbooks – 2.
Scientometric data: ORCID / Google Scholar
Scientific supervisor of 2 PhD theses.
Research areas: modeling of dynamic systems; identification of dynamic systems; optimization of control of dynamic systems; software of modeling and optimization methods.
Courses: “Object-oriented programming”, “Numerical methods”, “Distributed computing”.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Deputy Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies for Methodical Work.
Teaching experience: since 1993.
Number of scientific and educational publications – more than 100, among them: 1 monograph, 4 study guides.
Scientometric data: Scopus / Researcher ID / ORCID / Google Scholar
Research areas: databases and data storage, analytical data processing, software design and development, engineering and reengineering of business systems and business processes.
Courses: “Organization of databases”, “Design of databases”, “Design of information systems”, “Architecture and design of software”, “Engineering and reengineering of business systems”, “Analysis of data and BI-technology”.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.
Teaching experience since 1964.
The number of scientific and educational publications is over 400, including 12 monographs.
Over the entire period of his professional career, he has trained about 60 candidates and 9 doctors of technical sciences.
Has received government awards, the most valuable of which is the Medal for Military Valor.
In 2015, the Oxford Academic Union awarded L. G. Raskin the honorary title of “Scientist of the Year” for solving Chebyshev’s problem, which no one could solve since 1873. In 2019, the Oxford Academic Union awarded Professor Raskin L. G. with the Diploma of the highest degree for the best solution of the Hamilton problem.
Scientometric data: Scopus / ORCID / Google Scholar
Research areas: probability theory, random processes, optimization methods, artificial intelligence systems.
Courses: “Modern models and methods of system analysis in conditions of fuzzy initial data, teacher”, “Modern models and methods of decision-making in conditions of fuzzy initial data”.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Teaching experience: since 1998.
Number of scientific and educational publications – more than 140, including 2 textbooks.
Supervisor of 3 PhD theses.
Head of the R&D project: “Creating models and methods for collecting and automated processing of business information in the web space” 0119U002556, 2019-2020.
Executive coordinator of the R&D project: “Development of information and analytical support for the management of efficiency and quality in complex systems with the European integration of Ukraine” 0117U004806, 2016-2018.
Curator of academic mobility programs between NTU “KhPI” and the Alpine-Adriatic University of Klagenfurt (Austria).
Scientometric data: Scopus / Researcher ID / ORCID / Google Scholar
Research areas: models for searching and collecting business information based on multi-agent technologies.
Courses: “Intelligent Systems Software”.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Teaching experience: since 1983.
Number of scientific and educational publications – more than 113, among them: study guides – 1.
Scientific supervisor of the R&D project: К8007 No. DR – 0119U002557 “Development of software solutions to improve the efficiency of managing the execution of parallel processes”, 2019 – 2020.
Scientometric data: Scopus / ORCID / Google Scholar
Research areas: tasks of dynamic control of production and supply of electricity, system management of the development of distributed data processing systems; system optimization; increasing the efficiency of managing parallel computing processes.
Courses: “Fundamentals of computer systems architecture”, “Network technologies”, “Fundamentals of web technologies”, “Internet programming”, “Perspective concepts and technologies of distributed software systems”, “IT infrastructure”.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.
Teaching experience: since 2005.
Number of scientific and educational publications – more than 81, among them: monographs – 2.
Scientometric data: Scopus / ORCID / Google Scholar
Research areas: mathematical modeling, optimization of technological processes.
Courses: “Databases”, “Introduction to Neural Networks”, “Models and Methods of Soft Computing”, “Methods and Systems of Artificial Intelligence”, “Fundamentals of Software Systems Architecture”.

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor.
Teaching experience: since 1979.
Number of scientific and educational publications – more than 150, among them: monographs – 3.
Scientific advisor of 1 doctoral dissertation, scientific supervisor of 7 PhD theses.
Honored Worker of Science of Azerbaijan (2011).
Awarded the medal “VATAN EVLADI” (“Son of the Fatherland”, Dede Korkud Foundation, Baku, 2011), Gold Medal of the Academy of Applied Radio Electronics (Kharkiv, 2011).
Visiting Professor at Chou University, Tokyo, Japan (1991, 1992, 1999, 2009), Osaka Electro-Communication University, Osaka, Japan (1995), University of Pennsylvania, USA (2002), Chukurva University, Adana, Turkey (1992-1995).
“Person of the Year” in 1997 (American Biographical Institute), Senior Member of the International Institute of Radio Engineers (IEEE) (USA) since 1999.
Scientometric data: Scopus / ORCID / Google Scholar / ResearchGate
Research areas: diffraction theory, numerical-analytical methods in electromagnetic wave scattering theory, sntegral equations and inverse problems, mixed boundary-value problems, scattering of EM waves.

Candidate of Technical Sciences.
Teaching experience: since 2010
Number of scientific and educational publications – more than 10.
Scientometric data: ORCID / Google Scholar
Research areas: technological processes control automation.
Courses: “Introduction to DevOps”, “Information systems architecture”, “Complex systems modeling”.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Teaching experience: since 2014.
Number of scientific and educational publications – more than 40, among them: 1 monograph, 2 teaching aids.
Scientific supervisor of the R&D project: “Methods and tools for software development using corporate knowledge and quality training of IT company personnel” 2019 – 2021.
Scientometric data: Scopus / Researcher ID / ORCID / Google Scholar
Research areas: quality assessment of complex objects, quality training of IT company personnel.
Courses: “Fundamentals of information systems and technologies”, “Decision making theory”, “Fundamentals of Java”, “Organization of databases”, “Database design”, “Operations research”, “Object-oriented programming”, “Fundamentals of web technology”.

Сandidate of Physical and Mathematical sciences, Senior Researcher.
Teaching experience: since 1996.
Number of scientific and educational publications – more than 192, among them: monographs 6, collective monographs – 9, textbooks – 12.
Scientometric data: Scopus / ORCID / Google Scholar
Research areas: open systems; expert systems, expert training system, multi-agent system, data mining; cloud technologies, chat bots and mobile technologies.
Courses: “Fundamentals of distributed computing”, “CI/CD Cloud computing”, “Artificial intelligence systems”, “Data warehouse”.

Candidate of Technical Sciences.
Teaching experience since 2012.
The number of scientific and educational publications is more than 15.
Scientometric data: ORCID / Google Scholar
Research areas: mathematical modeling.
Courses: “Fundamentals of business planning”, “Fundamentals of project management”.

Candidate of Econimical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Teaching experience: since 2008.
Number of scientific and educational publications – more than 30.
Scientific supervisor of the R&D project: “Creating models and methods of collection and automated data processing in web” 01.2019 – 12.2020 deadline.
Scientometric data: Scopus / ResearcherID / ORCID / Google Scholar
Research areas: Project Management, Business Analysis, Decision-making Techniques, Comprehensive Assessment of Complex Objects.
Courses: “Principles of Business Development Management”, “Project Management in Software Engineering”.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Teaching experience: since 1999
Number of scientific and educational publications – more than 30, out of which: monographs – 1, textbooks – 1.
Scientometric data: ORCID / Google Scholar
Research areas: system management information technologies in uncertainty conditions.
Courses: “Basics of Software Development”, “Technologies for Developing Web-Based Systems”, “Decision Making Theory”, “Models and Methods of Decision Support”.

Candidate of Technical Sciences. Director at MICROCRYPT TECHNOLOGIES LLC.
Teaching experience: since 2012.
Number of scientific and educational publications – more than 50, including: monographs – 1.
Scientometric data: Scopus / ORCID / Google Scholar
Research areas: cybersecurity, cryptography, cryptanalysis, artificial intelligence, software design and development.
Courses: “Introduction to Neural Networks”, “Introduction to Soft Computing”, “Artificial Intelligence”, “Formal Methods of Software Verification”.

Candidate of Technical Sciences.
Teaching experience since 2012.
The number of scientific and educational publications is more than 20.
Scientometric data: ORCID / Google Scholar
Research areas: computer systems, databases, algorithms, educational process.
Courses: “Fundamentals of Business Analysis”, “Fundamentals of Business Planning”, “Information Technologies for Big Data Processing”.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Teaching experience: since 2009.
Number of scientific and educational publications – more than 70.
Scientometric data: ORCID / Google Scholar
Research areas: decision making support systems (methods of verbal analysis); intelligent management systems (situational management); implementation of the process approach in enterprise management (documentation, modeling, optimization and implementation of business processes); logical and analytical examination of texts describing systems and procedures (legal texts, regulations, charters).
Courses: “BI technologies”, “Startup business models”, “Data visualization tools”, “Knowledge representation models”, “Project Management in Software Engineering”.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Teaching experience: since 1996.
Number of scientific and educational publications – more than more than 30, among them: textbooks – 4.
Scientometric data: Researcher ID / ORCID / Google Scholar
Research areas: information systems software; image processing, educational process information support.
Courses: “Software Architecture and Design”, “Java EE Technology Stack”, “Java EE Web Application Development”, “Development and Implementation of Information Systems”.

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D).
Teaching experience: since 2018.
Number of scientific and educational publications – more than 10, among them: monographs – 1.
Curator of academic mobility programs between NTU “KhPI” and Bratislava University of Economics and Management (Slovakia).
Scientometric data: ORCID / Google Scholar
Research areas: Data mining, web mining.
Courses: “Data mining and knowledge extraction”, “Data mining”, “Fundamentals of intelligent systems design”.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Teaching experience: since 2003.
Academic Supervisor of the educational and professional program of the bachelor’s level of higher education “Software Engineering” in specialty 121 – “Software Engineering”.
Number of scientific and educational publications – more than 75, among them: 6 manuals.
Scientometric data: Scopus / Researcher ID / ORCID / Google Scholar
Research areas: Information technologies, economic and mathematical modeling, software of modeling and optimization methods, data analysis.
Courses: “Python Frameworks”, “Data Processing with Python”, “Basics of Software Engineering”.

Candidate of Technical Sciences. Director, project manager at CIPHER IT LLC.
Teaching experience: since 2005.
Number of scientific and educational publications – more than 25.
Scientometric data: Scopus / ORCID / Google Scholar
Research interests: cryptography, algebraic curves, efficient implementation of cryptographic transformations, applied mathematics, analysis and algebra.
Courses: “Java Programming Fundamentals”, “Python Data Processing”, “Algorithm Theory”, “Web Development Fundamentals”, “Databases”, “Software Architecture and Design”.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Teaching experience: since 2014.
Number of scientific and educational publications – more than 50, among them: monographs – 1, textbooks – 1.
Scientometric data: Scopus / ORCID / Google Scholar
Research areas: system analysis, environmental monitoring, information technology.
Courses: “Discrete Mathematics”, “Decision Making Models and Methods”, “Web-Oriented Systems Development Technologies”, “Database Design”.

Candidate of Technical Sciences.
Teaching experience: since 2006.
Academic Supervisor of the educational and professional program of the master’s degree in higher education “Software Engineering” in the specialty 121 – “Software Engineering”.
Number of scientific and educational publications – more than 35, including monographs – 4 (co-authored), textbooks – 1.
Scientometric data: Scopus / ORCID / Google Scholar
Research areas: mathematical modeling, 3D printing, the creation of mathematical models for the implementation of 3D printing.
Courses: “.NET Stack Technologies”, “Production Organization and Marketing”, “IT Startups Management”.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Teaching experience: since: 1997.
Number of scientific and educational publications – more than 50.
Scientometric data: ORCID / Google Scholar
Research areas: Decision support in managing the development of complex systems; evaluation of multi-character objects; evaluation of the quality of software tests.
Courses: “Fundamentals of Software Engineering”, “Formal Methods of Software Research”.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Experience teaching since 2004.
Number of scientific and educational publications – more than 30, among them: monographs – 1.
Scientometric data: Scopus / ORCID / Google Scholar
Research areas: information technology, medical decision support systems, data mining.
Courses: “Software engineering”, “Modeling of system”.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Teaching experience: since 1997.
Number of scientific and educational publications – more than 30.
Supervisor of 2 PhD theses.
Scientometric data: Scopus / ORCID / Google Scholar
Research areas: Internet of Things, Internet Search Engine Optimization, Artificial Intelligence, Business Intelligence, Data Mining, software development process quality, software testing, data warehousing, web-based software development.
Courses: “Quality and software testing”, “Data mining”, “Designing software”, “Development of WEB-oriented systems”.

Candidate of Technical Sciences.
Teaching experience: since 2009.
Number of scientific and educational publications – more than 5.
Scientometric data: ORCID / Google Scholar
Research areas: Adaptive e-learning, Life-long Learning.
Courses: “Architecture of corporate information systems”.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Head of the “Innovation Campus” laboratory.
Teaching experience: since 2003.
Number of scientific and educational publications – more than 20, among them: 1 monograph, 1 study guide.
Scientific supervisor of the R&D project: “Methods and tools for software development using corporate knowledge and high-quality training of personnel of IT companies” 0119U002558, 2019-2020.
Curator of academic mobility programs between NTU “KhPI” and RWTH Aachen University (Germany).
Scientometric data: Scopus / ORCID / Google Scholar
Research areas: knowledge management systems, training and retraining of IT company personnel, lifelong learning, quality of the software development process.
Courses: “Database Design”, “Design and Development of Distributed Databases and Data Storages”.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Teaching experience: since 2009.
Number of scientific and educational publications – more than 20.
Scientometric data: ORCID / Google Scholar
Research areas: analysis of algorithms and data structures, computer mathematics, information technology.
Courses: “Computer mathematics”, “Practical seminar on mathematical methods in software engineering”.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Teaching experience: since 2006.
Number of scientific and educational publications – more than 45, among them: 3 monographs (co-authored), 1 study guide.
Executive coordinator of the section “Analysis of the effectiveness of emergency rescue and other urgent operations” under a cooperation agreement between NTU “KhPI” and the State Oceanarium Scientific Research Center of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Scientometric data: ORCID / Google Scholar
Research areas: system analysis, development of management automation information systems in hierarchical distributed socio-economic systems.
Courses: “Probability Theory”, “Numerical Methods”, “Mathematical Statistics”.

Candidate of Econimical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Teaching experience: since 2003.
Number of scientific and educational publications – more than 100.
Curator of academic mobility programs between NTU “KhPI” and the Alpine-Adriatic University of Klagenfurt (Austria).
Scientometric data: Scopus / ORCID / Google Scholar
Research areas: complex models of support and decision-making for the management of complex systems.
Courses: “Computer Mathematics”, “Operations Research”, “Econometrics”.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor. Deputy Head of the Department.
Teaching experience: since 2002.
Academic Supervisor of the educational and scientific program of the master’s level of higher education “Software Engineering” in specialty 121 – “Software Engineering”.
Number of scientific and educational publications – more than 70, among them: 4 monographs (3 in co-authorship, 1 in a foreign publication), 4 study guides.
Supervisor of 2 PhD theses.
Executive coordinator of the R&D project: К8004 No. DR – 0119U002554 “Models and methods for research and design of complex systems”, superviser I.P. Gamayun, 2019-2020.
Scientometric data: Scopus / Researcher ID / ORCID / Google Scholar
Research areas: blockchain technology, cyber security, methods and models of strategic management, risk assessment of information security.
Courses: “Models and methods of distributed computing”, “Modern web development technologies”, “Internet programming”, “Data mining”.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Teaching experience: since 2012.
Number of scientific and educational publications – more than 30, among them: multi-authored monographs – 1.
Scientometric data: Scopus / ORCID / Google Scholar
Research areas: Information technology web monitoring and evaluation, modeling of distributed systems, Web Mining, Data Mining.
Courses: “Models and Methods for Collective Expert Evaluation”, “Intelligent Systems Software”.

Teaching experience: since 2009.
Number of scientific and educational publications – more than 5.
Scientometric data: ORCID / Google Scholar
Research areas: automation of the daily activities of the department in the field of organization of the educational process; organization of design and development of information systems.
Courses: “Software architecture and design”, “Advanced Java programming course”, “Java-based web applications”.

Teaching experience: since 1997.
Number of scientific and educational publications – more than 16, among them: articles – 7, methodical recommendations – 9.
Scientometric data: ORCID / Google Scholar
Research areas: modeling.
Courses: “Statistics”, “Economic and Mathematical Modeling”, “Computer Modeling”, “Simulation Modeling”, “Basics of Building Intellectual Systems”, “Formal Methods for Researching Software Systems”, and “Software Economics”.

Teaching experience: since 1981.
Number of scientific and educational publications – more than 25.
Scientometric data: ORCID / Google Scholar
Research areas: automated research systems, object-oriented design.
Courses: “Basics of Software Development and Algorithmic Languages”, “Computer Science and Computer Engineering”, “Object-Oriented Programming”, “Systems of Technologies”, “Programming Technology”.

Teaching experience: since 1997.
Number of scientific and educational publications – more than 5.
Scientometric data: Researcher ID / ORCID / Google Scholar
Research areas: methods for constructing adaptive e-learning systems; IT project management; system optimization.
Courses: “Mobile Systems Technology Development”, “Software Modeling and Analysis”, “Network Technologies”, “Problem-Oriented Software Systems Analysis and Modeling”.

Teaching experience: since 1991.
Number of scientific and educational publications – more than 10, among them: textbooks – 1.
Scientometric data: ORCID / Google Scholar
Research areas: optimization of project content.
Courses: “Object-Oriented Programming”, “Operating Systems”, “Technologies for Developing Software for Mobile Systems”.
Teaching experience: since 2018.
Number of scientific and educational publications – more than 15.
Scientometric data: ORCID / Google Scholar
Research areas: software engineering, computer science.
Courses: “Basics of programming”, “Fundamentals of computer networks”.

Teaching experience: since 2023.
Number of scientific and educational publications – more than 5.
Responsible for managing the department’s social networks and conducting career guidance work.
Scientometric data: ORCID / Google Scholar
Research areas: mathematical modeling, complex systems analysis.
Courses: course projects design, supervision of students practice.

Teaching experience: since 2011.
Number of scientific and educational publications – more than 5.
Content-manager of the SEMIT Department website.
Scientometric data: Scopus / ORCID
Research areas: cybersecurity.
Courses: “Databases”, “Fundamentals of Web Development”, “Fundamentals of Soft Computing Theory”, “Python Data Processing”.
Teaching experience: since 2017.
Number of scientific and educational publications – more than 5.
Scientometric data: ORCID / Google Scholar
Research areas: software engineering, complex systems modeling.
Courses: “Basics of programming”, “Object-Oriented Programming”, “Algorithms and Data Structures”.