Kharkiv IT Cluster Sertification

About the project

The project “Certification system of IT disciplines” of the Kharkiv IT Cluster is a unique project that is an important initiative for education in Ukraine, which was implemented in the systematic cooperation of the IT industry and education, with the support of the National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education.

The goal of the project is to update the programs of IT disciplines and influence the level of training of students and their possession of relevant knowledge and skills, which are necessary for a successful career in this field.

More about the project

The Department of Software Engineering and Management Intelligent Technologies participates in the project “Certification System of IT Disciplines” in the new season, which began in 2023 with academic disciplines:

  • Data models and structures (leading lecturer – Head of SEMIT Department Andrii KOPP)
  • Databases. Part 1 (leading lecturer – Prof. of SEMIT Department Dmytro ORLOVSKYI)

Valentyna MOSKALENKO, Professor of SEMIT Department, took part in the first season of the “Certification System of IT Disciplines” project (2023), and master student Kateryna YAKOVLEVA received a letter of appreciation for her active participation in the project and assistance to the teacher.

Syllabuses of updated courses (2024)

According to the terms of the project, the curricula are prepared in Ukrainian, but after the completion of the project they will be revised and translated into English.

Data models and structures

Силабус_24-1_039_Моделі та структури даних


Databases. Part 1

Силабус_24-1_040_Бази даних.Частина_1