Workshop on working with BigData: schoolchildren tried themselves in the role of business analysts

On October 5, a workshop for students of 9-11 grades was held at the SEMIT Department of NTU “KhPI” with the support of GO UNIT. “Simply about the difficult: working with BigData.”

The event took place as part of the MeetandCode initiative, which is being implemented in Ukraine by the Gurt Resource Center in collaboration with TechSoup Europe and Haus des Stiftens gGmbH funding organizations with SAP funding.

To introduce the topic, the students listened to an interesting lecture by T. A. Nazirova, a senior specialist at the Metinvest-digital Business Application Expertise Center, “BigData is a revolution in storage and data processing.” Then they had a practical lesson on data processing using SAP Predictive Analytics: using instructions and the help of curators (lecturers of the SEMIT Department, K.V. Melnik, I.V. Lutenko, O.V. Yangolenko, M.A. Vovk, Yu.S. Litvinova, O.V. Ivashchenko) school students were able to build a data clustering model.

After this introduction to the world of business analytics, they were waiting for a short break, and then – completing a competitive task in the computer classes of the department. While the teachers checked the creative work of the Workshop participants, the head of the SEMIT department, Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. M. D. Godlevsky. He told schoolchildren about modern information technologies and the prospects for their development, as well as about pedagogical innovations, without which effective teaching is impossible today and which are implemented at the department: teaching in English, practice-oriented education system, project training.

The event ended with the presentation of certificates to participants and prizes to the winners: for correctly completed work, original methods of solution, persistence and creativity.

The event was attended by 28 schoolchildren – students of a tertiary educational institution KFML №27 and other schools in Kharkov. The workshop helped the guys plunge into the world of business analytics and learn the basics of working with large volumes of data and methods for their analysis and processing.

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