GO UNIT and the SEMIT department conduct a workshop “Simply about the complex: Working with big data”.

So that as many students of Kharkov schools as possible get acquainted with the world of IT, GO UNIT, the SEMIT Department and other partners conduct another workshop: “Simply about the complex: Working with big data”.

The workshop is a part of the “Meet and Code initiative”, which is being implemented in Ukraine by the Gurt Resource Center in collaboration with TechSoup Europe and Haus des Stiftens gGmbh, with funding from SAP.

To learn about the concept of “business analytics” and its tasks, the guys listened to an interesting lecture from Data analyst SSA Group Victoria Sergeyevna Dobryak. After that, they were able to put their knowledge into practice and do data processing using SAP Predictive Analitics, which resulted in a data clustering model. Lecturers of the department of the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Technology: K.V. Melnik, I.V. Lutenko, O.V. Yangolenko, O.V. Ivaschenko helped to master new technologies for high school students.

After a short break for a coffee break, the students began to perform a competitive task. While the teachers checked the work of the participants, associate professor, Ph.D. I.V. Lutenko told schoolchildren about the educational process at the department and those pedagogical innovations that apply: teaching in English, design education, the practice-oriented learning system.

Each student received a certificate of participation, and those whose work turned out to be the best – company gifts and diplomas.

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