Engaging scientists and educators in solving timely issues of the digital economy: an event by the GO “UNIT”

On November 22, within the framework of the general meeting of members of GO “UNIT”, the seminar “Digital economy of Ukraine: engaging the scientific and pedagogical community” was held.

The meeting of the GO “UNIT” began with a welcoming speech by the vice-rector of NTU “KhPI” for scientific work, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences A.P.Marchenko. He stressed that only the unification of the country’s scientific and educational elite will allow solving urgent problems and achieving the common development goals of Ukraine.

Then followed the speeches of the President and members of the Board of GO “UNIT”: Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences V.S.Kharchenko (NAU named after NYe Zhukovsky “KhAI”), Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences M.D.Godlevsky (NTU “KhPI”), Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences G.N.Zholtkevich (KhNU named after V.N. Karazin), Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences N.N.Glibovets (NaUKMA), Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences V.V.Pasechnik (NU “LP”). They spoke about the directions of the organization’s work: analytics of the IT market, development of education and technologies, improving IT education, deepening cooperation with the industry.

The executive director of the organization O.Yu.Cherednichenko also gave a speech, presenting a report on the activities of GO “UNIT” in 2019. Decisions were made on the re-election of the membership of the Management Board, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board and its members. During the meeting, those present also discussed areas of work for the next year.

After the coffee break, the seminar “Digital Economy of Ukraine: Engaging the Scientific and Pedagogical Community” took place. Lecturer of the SEMIT Department Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences. S.V.Orekhov and Head of Department, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences M.D.Godlevsky presented a report on analytics of development trends in the IT sphere.

V.S.Kharchenko spoke about an experiment on the a Ph.D. award; professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences I.V.Chumachenko shared his experience in this field.

As a result of the meeting, it was decided to improve the quality component of the organization: the creation of working groups in the areas of activity of the GO “UNIT” and the improvement of communication.

NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION “UKRAINIAN SCIENTIFIC AND EDUCATIONAL IT SOCIETY” was founded on November 30, 2018 with the aim of promoting the development of higher education, scientific achievements and developments in the field of IT. Directions of activity of GO: analytics of the IT market, improvement of IT education, cooperation with industry, scientific and innovative activities, international project activities, media communication, professional orientation and popularization of the IT industry.
Upon an initiative of the GO “UNIT”, in October, a career guidance event for schoolchildren was organized at NTU KhPI: workshop Simply about difficult: working with the BigData

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