CoLInS Conference 2020

Due to the peculiarities of the epidemiological situation in the country and the introduced quarantine, the CoLInS Conference 2020 was held remotely, but despite that fact it wasn’t less interesting and productive.

The Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems (CoLInS) conference is held annually and 2020 was held on April 23 online. It was attended by lecturers of the Department of Software Engineering and Management Information Technologies  and Intelligent Computer Systems NTU “KhPI”. At the plenary session, the results of a study conducted together by representatives of these departments were tested: “Towards Structuring of Electronic Marketplaces Contents: Items Normalization Technology” (O.Yu. Cherednichenko, O.V. Yangolenko, M.A. Vovk, N.V. Sharonova).
The report can be found here

The main goal of the CoLInS Conference is to discuss the results of recent research in the field of natural language processing and the development of intelligent systems; exchange of ideas; discussion of development trends of intelligent computer systems; establishing fruitful contacts and promoting talented youth in the scientific activities.

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