Online meeting with 4th year students

Representatives of the Department of Software Engineering and Management Intelligent Technologies and the separate structural subdivision “Kharkiv Computer and Technology College of NTU ‘KhPI’ organized and held a meeting with 4th year students studying in the specialties 121 ‘Software Engineering’ and 122 ‘Computer Science’.

Head of the Department Andriy Kopp, Associate Professors Rositsa Shvorak and Iuliia Litvinova introduced the students to the competitive offers of the SEMIT Department in their specialties and the competitive advantages offered by the Department to applicants.

The event was attended by 22 college students. The students were interested in opportunities related to international accreditation of educational programs, project-based learning at the Innovation Campus of NTU “KPI”, in-depth study and studying in English, selective study directions, international mobility programs with European universities, and other interesting opportunities.

Many questions were related to the possibilities of admission to the reduced form of study and the specifics of the admission campaign, requirements for applicants.

We wish the students of the college to successfully complete their studies and will be happy to accept them as applicants in the summer of 2025!

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