On October 22, the Department of Software Engineering and Management Intelligent Technologies of NTU “KhPI” held a career guidance meeting with high school students of Kharkiv Lyceum №26 as part of the programming week
EU Code Week 2024, which runs from October 14 to 27!
In the format of an exciting Kahoot-quiz, 11th grade students learned about one of the world’s most popular programming languages — Python!
Girls and boys learned more about this programming language, where it is used, and who needs to learn it and why Python.
During the game, the students got acquainted not only with the SEMIT Department of NTU “KPI”, but also with the basic concepts of Python programming – what is code, operators, variables, values, learned how to display program messages on the screen and tried to disassemble small programs instead of a computer and guess what they would display!
The event was attended by the Head of the Department Andriy Kopp and Ivan Nesterenko, a postgraduate student, Senior Project Manager at Ascendix Technologies.
You can learn more about the event at the link.
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