EU Code Week 2024

📣 On October 22, the Department of Software Engineering and Management Intelligent Technologies of NTU “KhPI” held a career guidance meeting with high school students of Kharkiv Lyceum №26 as part of the programming week 👨‍💻 EU Code Week 2024, which runs from October 14 to 27!

👾 In the format of an exciting Kahoot-quiz, 11th grade students learned about one of the world’s most popular programming languages — Python!

☝️ Girls and boys learned more about this programming language, where it is used, and who needs to learn it and why Python.
💻During the game, the students got acquainted not only with the SEMIT Department of NTU “KPI”, but also with the basic concepts of Python programming – what is code, operators, variables, values, learned how to display program messages on the screen and tried to disassemble small programs instead of a computer and guess what they would display!
👨‍🏫 The event was attended by the Head of the Department Andriy Kopp and Ivan Nesterenko, a postgraduate student, Senior Project Manager at Ascendix Technologies.

🔖 You can learn more about the event at the link.

Visit 🔗 our website and find out about project-based learning opportunities 🧑‍💻 at Innovation Campus, high-quality distance education 🌐 from anywhere in the world, international accreditation by the German 🇩🇪 Center for Education Quality (ZEvA), double diplomas and internship programs at 🇪🇺 European universities, and many other interesting things!

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