Erasmus+ provides grants for a wide range of actions and activities in the fields of education, training, youth and sport. The programme gives opportunities to students, trainees, staff and volunteers to spend a period abroad to increase their skills and employability. It supports organisations to work in transnational partnership and to share innovative practices in the fields of education, training and youth.
5 reasons to participate in ERASMUS+ programs and become an exchange student!
1. Expand your horizons.
One of the goals of the program is cultural exchange. You will learn about the culture of a new country, get new and interesting impressions.
2. Study within another framework.
The program provides an opportunity to study at a European university, gain new student experience, feel the difference in the education system.
3. Improve foreign language.
Training in the European Economic Area will undergo in English or another foreign language, so you will significantly improve your knowledge. And since communication with other students is also likely to take place in foreign language, you will learn not only professional terms, but also everyday words and expressions.
4. Gain financial independence.
The size of the scholarship grant depends on the university and the program, but the scholarship and travel grant typically cover all costs associated with the exchange program. You will learn to plan your budget yourself, allocating money for moving, comfortable living in the country, paying for housing and travel.
5. Get out of your comfort zone.
Moving and studying in another country allows you to become independent, learn to solve both household and educational issues, meet new people, gain useful experience.
Our students have a great opportunity to participate in ERASMUS + mobility programs. Our partners include the following European universities:
Alpen-Adria Universitat Klagenfurt, Klagenfurt (curator – Assoc. Prof. Natalia Chernova, SEMIT Department,
Bratislava University of Economics and Management, Bratislava (curator – Assoc. Prof. Oksana Ivashchenko, SEMIT Department,
University Sorbonne Paris Nord, Paris (curator – Prof. Olha Cherednichenko, SEMIT Department,
University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt, Würzburg-Schwanfurt (curator – Assoc. Prof. Denis Meshkov, Director of the Educational Center “German Technical Faculty”,
Other partners of NTU “KPI” in the Erasmus + KA1 credit mobility projects in the field of information technology and related areas:
- University of Maribor, Slovenia, (curator – Prof. Pavlo Volodymyrovych Bryn, Department of Management Tel. +38 (057) 707 65 39).
- Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, Poland (curator – Prof. Pavlo Brin, Department of Management. Tel. +38 (057) 707 65 39).
- University of Lumiere Lyon 2, France, (curator – Associate Professor Olena Orobinska, Department of Intelligent Computer Systems. Tel. +38 (057) 707 64 60).
- Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland (curator – Prof. Korytchenko Kostiantyn Volodymyrovych, Head of the Department of General Electrical Engineering Tel. +38 (057) 707 64 27).
- University of Novi Sad, Serbia, (supervisor – Prof. Mykola Tkachuk, Chair of Information Technologies and Systems of Wheeled and Tracked Vehicles named after A.A. Morozov. Tel. +38 (057) 707 69 02).
- University of Kalisz – Kalisz, Poland, (curator – Prof. Olha Savchenko, Department of Business Economics and International Economic Relations. Tel. +38 (057) 707 68 18).
- University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, (curator – Associate Professor Oleg Vasilchenkov, Department of Automation and Control in Technical Systems. Tel. + 38 (050) 589 03 57).
- Riga Technical University, Latvia, (curator – Prof. Borys Liubarsky, Department of Electric Transport and Locomotive Engineering. Tel. 067 993 75 69).
You can also ask questions about each of these Universities to the head of the international relations department Oleksandr Honcharov, tel. 057-706-32-28.