Viktor Fedorov
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Orcid: 0000-0002-4814-6768
E-mail: victor.fedorov@khpi.edu.ua
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Orcid: 0000-0002-4814-6768
E-mail: victor.fedorov@khpi.edu.ua
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Scopus Profile
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Orcid: 0000-0002-4814-6768
E-mail: victor.fedorov@khpi.edu.ua
Repository of NTU “KhPI”:
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Orcid: 0000-0002-4814-6768
E-mail: victor.fedorov@khpi.edu.ua
Repository of NTU “KhPI”:
Position: Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematical Modeling and Intelligent Computing in Engineering (MME).
Scientific degree, academic title: Ph.D in Technical Science, Associate Professor.
Graduated from the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” with a degree in “Dynamics and Strength of Machines,” qualification – Research Engineer, 1972.
Candidate of technical sciences, specialty 01.02.06 – dynamics and strength of machines, devices and equipment. Dissertation topic: “Creep of envelopes taking into account viscous failure and embrittlement near the hole”, 1983.
Associate Professor at the Department of Machine Dynamics and Strength, 1989.
Lecture courses:
- “Computational Methods”,
- “Theory of Fluidity and Strength”,
- “Rheology of Modern Materials”,
- “Mathematical Models of Composite Materials”,
- “Advanced Methods of Modeling Material Mechanics and Structural Failure”,
- “Special Topics in Continuum Mechanics”,
- “Special Topics in the Strength of Complex Systems and Structures”.
Scientific interests: micromechanics of composite materials.