The program provides a substantial grant for up to five years to excellent researchers in their most dynamic and creative career phases, belonging to the top of the international scientific community, for research activity in a Hungarian research center. The program follows a funding model that supports forefront discovery research while offering grant opportunities to internationally top-performing researchers for implementing their projects at a Hungarian host institution in connection with the European Research Council (ERC) calls. This way, the Forefront program enhances Hungary’s efforts to become a regional hub for research, development, and innovation.
The Call is only open to researchers for discovery research projects without any thematic restriction, provided that the applicant’s scientific track record and research plan meet the requirements set out in the call. Applicants have the highest chance if they have achieved internationally outstanding scientific results in the past ten years and can be reasonably expected to continue this level of performance on the basis of their research plan.
The project must start between 1 June 2021 and 1 October 2021, and must be implemented within 60 months from the start date.
Throughout the entire project implementation period, the principal investigator must be an employee of the host institution under an employment contract, civil service contract, or other contract aimed at performing work.
Deadline for submission: 16 February 2021 16:00
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