Funding call: Green hydrogen cooperation with Ukraine, Central Asia and the South Caucasus


In order to further advance the energy transition, the Federal Ministry of Research is relying on research cooperation with partners in Ukraine, the countries of Central Asia and the South Caucasus, and Iran. These countries have great potential for generating solar, wind and water energy. It is precisely these renewable energies that are absolutely essential for the production of green hydrogen. Some of the countries also have infrastructures for energy transport and are already showing interest in international cooperation in this area. The aim of the new call for funding is therefore to establish hydrogen collaborations with these not far-away countries in order to win them over as possible suppliers of green hydrogen.

International research and business cooperation can also accelerate the expansion of renewable energies in partner countries and help them to achieve their climate protection goals.

The Federal Ministry of Research is funding corresponding pilot projects that, in cooperation with the research institutions of the countries mentioned, develop competitive technologies – both for the production and storage as well as the transport and use of green hydrogen. Supporting projects that research the potential for climate protection and the social significance of the green technology of the future are also eligible.

The specific call for funding is aimed at German universities, non-university research institutions and companies. Individual or joint projects by German applicants that are submitted together with at least one or more scientific institutions in the cooperating countries are eligible for funding.

Main topics of the funding

As part of this call, research projects are funded that examine one or more of these topics relating to the development of a green hydrogen economy in a technology-neutral manner:

  • Production / catalysis processes: (further) development of efficient catalysis processes, including the identification of sustainable materials for the catalysts; Process for the direct production of high quality chemicals such as olefins and liquid aromatics.
  • Hydrogen electrolysis: Research into processes for hydrogen electrolysis using renewable energies and taking into account the special potential of the target regions.
  • Biomass: Research into technologies for the production of hydrogen from or by means of biomass (for example catalytic hydrogen generators from bio-raw materials or biotechnologies for the production of hydrogen from food waste).
  • Renewable energies: Coupling of methane pyrolysis with the generation of electricity from renewable energies according to regional possibilities.
  • Storage, transport and distribution of hydrogen: use of existing pipelines and other transport infrastructures, industrial requirements and certification.
  • Carbon utilization : Development of ecologically sustainable processes for the utilization of carbon as a pyrolysis product, which contribute to increasing the profitability of the entire process.
  • Climate protection potential: Accompanying study of the climate protection potential, which opens up the development of sustainable hydrogen production and the utilization of by-products.
  • Society and ecology: Analysis of the social significance and acceptance or analysis of the greenhouse gas balance or the ecological balance.

Amount and duration of possible funding

The funding takes the form of a non-repayable grant within the framework of project funding. It amounts to a maximum of 200,000 euros per project on the German side – plus a 20 percent project flat rate if necessary. The term is up to 36 months.

The application deadline is June 30, 2021


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