The career guidance work of the OandES department is ongoing

Career orientation work has become one of the main types of activities of the OandES department. Understanding the importance of this direction, scientific and pedagogical workers take an active part in various career guidance events. These are the speeches in front of applicants in online format (Yascheritsin E., Movmyga N. and others), Kahut quizzes (Mezentseva I., Kuzmenko O. and others), placement of campaign advertising not only on the website of the department, but also on social networks (Semenov E., Berezutskyi V. and others), participation in the Open Days of the NTU «KhPI» (Yascheritsin E., Osmanova O. and other). This work is carried out according to the plan, but unplanned activities are also carried out.

One of these unscheduled events was another online meeting with applicants. As part of career orientation work on the admission of applicants to specialty 263 «Civil Security» of the educational program «Occupational safety and health» on March 22, 2024, assoc. prof. Yascheritsin E. a distance career guidance event was held with 11th grade students of the communal institution «Kreminsky Lyceum № 2», Kreminna, Luhansk region.

14 students took part in the event, it was held with the active support and assistance of the class teacher of this class, teacher Zyoma Larisa Ivanovna.

Associate prof. of department Semenov Yevhenii