About department

Purpose and vision

Логотип кафедри системного аналізу та інформаційно-аналітичних технологійPurpose

The goal of the department of system analysis and information and analytical technologies is to provide high-quality education in the field of system analysis, computer science, publishing and printing. We strive for specialists trained by our teachers to be ready to use system analysis and information-analytical technologies to solve complex problems in their respective fields.

We try to provide students with fundamental theoretical knowledge, develop practical skills and technological culture, so that they can effectively use system analysis and information-analytical methods for the analysis, development and management of complex systems, as well as implement modern information technologies in the field of computer science, publishing and printing.


The department’s vision is to become a recognized center of learning, research and innovation in the fields of systems analysis, computer science, publishing and printing. We strive to achieve this by conducting cutting-edge research, collaborating with industrial and academic partners, and providing opportunities for students to realize their potential and develop their professional careers. We take an active part in the formation and development of modern approaches, technologies and practices in the relevant fields, which will contribute to the development of society and scientific and technological progress.

The main thing

The department of system analysis and information and analytical technologies conducts integrated training of bachelors and masters in computer sciences, system analysis and information technologies.

The teachers of the Department of System Analysis and Information and Analytical Technologies provide a high level of fundamental education and computer training that meets the highest international standards. Thanks to intensive practical training with the use of modern equipment, studies at the department allow graduates to easily adapt in any field of scientific, technical and social activity.

Graduates of the department are able to design, create and operate computer systems for analysis, forecasting and management of processes in technical, ecological, economic and social complex systems.

Graduates work as system analysts, developers of information systems, project managers in public and private institutions of Ukraine, as well as in the USA, Canada and the countries of the European Union.

Success stories

Anton Solohov

Відповідальний і працьовитий, завжди готовий прийти на допомогу менш кваліфікованому працівнику, веселун компанії Cloud Works, LDT.

Ольга Кудінова

Olga Kudinova

Кудінова Ольга, в 2002 році отримала диплом бакалавра з прикладної математики, а в 2004 році – ступінь магістра соціальної інформатики на кафедрі САІТ НТУ «ХПІ». З тих пір на протязі майже 20 років займається аналізом даних, має досвід багатьох успішних проєктів, в яких брала участь як інженер даних. Працювала на посаді інженера з даних у […]

Сергій Луговий

Sergij Lugovij

В 2007 році отримав диплом бакалавра з відзнакою за спеціальністю 124 «Системний аналіз», в 2009 році – диплом магістра з відзнакою за тією же спеціальністю. З 2009 р. по 2011 р. працював у ІТ-компанії DB Best системним адміністратором, потім – зайняв посаду iOS/Android Developer. З 2013 року працює на посаді iOS Developer в компанії Cloud […]