A student of the SEMIT Department is preparing her thesis for defense at the University of Bratislava

Our student Alyona Sviridova is finishing her second year of study on the joint program “Information systems and technologies in entrepreneurship” and shares her impressions of the process of graduation design with us.

“The process of choosing a topic for research and writing a thesis was very simple and fast: the topic of my thesis remained the same, but with some modifications, taking into account the economic component of our general and specialization of the Slovak University VŠEMvs. After consulting with our diploma supervisor from VŠEMvs, Professor Nikolai Sidak, we came to the following wording of the topic in English – “Economic and information support for solving comprehensive monitoring development problems of enterprise’s complex objects”.
Also at the consultations the issue of the main language of writing the thesis was discussed. I had a choice of three options: Slovak, Russian and English (if you choose Russian or English, then you need to write an annotation in Slovak in the volume of 10% of the total volume of the thesis). After formulating the topic and choosing the language, the process of writing and designing the work began.

In the conditions of quarantine, communication with the diploma supervisor was maintained in the online format through the means of communication, and methodological instructions for writing a master’s work were also very useful.
Now the process of writing the thesis continues. I would like to note that during the preparation and writing of the thesis, no complications arise, I am very happy. For this, I would like to thank all the participants in the research process and writing my work, not only from the Slovak side, but also my department of PIITU and my diploma supervisor from NTU “KhPI” Professor Tatyana Vladimirovna Kozulya”.

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