Online meeting of Green-IT project participants

On January 19, an online meeting of students and teachers-participants of the Green-IT project “Mobility Goes Virtual” took place, which was attended by Professor, Ph.D. Olga Cherednichenko and associate professors Ph.D. Maria Kozulya, Candidate of Economic Sciences Marina Vovk.

This international inter-campus elective module brought together students of Kharkiv Polytechnic and the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (FHWS, Germany) in an online classroom. The partnership program provides training using online tools and platforms and subsequent visits of Ukrainian students to the German  Economic Area.

The participants of the meeting learned more about the content of the module “Sustainability in Digitization – Green-IT” and details of the project. German teachers presented their university, representatives of the educational center “German Technical Faculty” NTU “KhPI” told about our Univeristy and its structure, and Associate Professor Maria Mikhailovna Kozulya – about the peculiarities of the educational process at the SEMIT Department.

Do you want to take part in the project? You can find the necessary contacts in the description of international programs.

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