Gennadii Martynenko
Position: Professor at the Department of Mathematical Modeling and Intelligent Computing in Engineering (MME). Academician of the Engineering Academy of Ukraine.
Scientific degree, academic title: Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor.
Specialist in modeling complex systems using databases, data mining, CAD/CAE software packages; simulations with intelligent processing and data analysis of dynamic interconnected processes and nonlinear dynamics of complex mechanical and mechatronic systems; mathematical formulation and solution of applied linear and nonlinear problems of computational mechanics, thermophysics, magnetism.
Graduated from the Kharkiv State Polytechnic University (KSPU), specialty “Dynamics and Strength of Machines”, qualification – mechanical engineer-researcher, 1995.
Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD), specialty 05.02.09 – Dynamics and Strength of Machines, 1999.
Senior researcher, specialty 05.02.09 – Dynamics and Strength of Machines, 2004.
Associate Professor of the Department of Dynamics and Strength of Machines, 2008.
Doctor of Engineering Sciences, specialty 05.02.09 – Dynamics and Strength of Machines, 2019. Dissertation topic: “Dynamics of turbomachinery rotors in passive and active magnetic bearings”.
Professor of the Department of Dynamics and Strength of Machines, 2021.
Correspondent Member of the Engineering Academy of Ukraine, 2021
Active Member (Academician) of the Engineering Academy of Ukraine, 2023.
Scientific publications:
author of more than 180 scientific, educational and methodological works, information about the main scientific publications is available on personal pages in scientometric databases, electronic libraries and platforms Google Scholar, Scopus, ResearcherID & Publons, IEEE Xplore and others.
Lecture courses:
- “Database organization”, “Data Mining”,
- “Software packages for design and analysis”,
- “Software tools for modeling physical processes”,
- “Modeling of objects and processes in CAD/CAE systems”,
- “Analysis of dynamic processes in CAD/CAE systems”,
- “Modeling in CAE systems”,
- “Dynamics of rotors in magnetic bearings”,
- “Approximate and numerical methods for solving nonlinear problems”,
- “Pedagogical and information technologies in applied mathematics”.
Scientific interests: process modeling with intelligent data processing and analysis; dynamics of rotors in passive and active magnetic bearings;
nonlinear dynamics of complex mechanical and mechatronic systems; applied problems of computational mechanics, thermophysics, magnetism; analytical and numerical modeling of nonlinear dynamic interconnected controlled and uncontrolled processes; optimal design of structural elements of machines and systems.