Nataliia Samoilenko

Nataliia Samoilenko is the author of more than 220 scientific and educational publications, including in recent years, 1 textbook, 4 study guides, 1 monograph, as well as 2 declaratory patents, 5 certificates of copyright registration.

Supervisor of 3 graduate students, one of whom conducted research on the topic of her dissertation at the Center for Analysis and Synthesis of Lund University and at the Department of the School of Education and Environment at Christian University (Sweden) and successfully defended her PhD thesis in the specialty “Environmental Safety”. One graduate student received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the specialty “Ecology”.

In 2012-2015, she was the academic director of the project 530603-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-LT-TEMPUS-JPCR Reformation of the Curricula on Built Environment in the Eastern

Neighboring Area (CENEAST). For many years, he has been an expert of the Editorial and Publishing Board of NTU “KhPI”.



Hobby is the psychology of children, which helps to improve their greater psychological balance, reduce stress, develop and fill life with meaning.