Laboratory base

  1. 1Laboratory base of the KTPE department

The staff of the department always believed that modern education is impossible without science and research processes. Therefore, the main concept of student education at the department has always been and remains – the combination of education and scientific research.

The department has organized several educational laboratories consisting of stands for filtering, heat exchange, column, refrigeration equipment and a stand for stress research in elements of chemical equipment. Laboratory stands are equipped with methodical materials, computers and modern technical means.

Employees of the scientific research department of the department take an active part in the educational process, who teach students the skills of research work. The installations are used for laboratory work by students. And laboratory work on the study of corrosion and biotechnology processes is closely related to the results of scientific research developments of the department.

The material base of the department has unique equipment that allows you to combine physical and mathematical modeling of chemical processes, which are necessary for the creation of the latest food, chemical, and environmental equipment. That is, students get the experience of creating promising developments even in the process of studying.

The laboratory base of the department is intensively developing and allows to implement scientific achievements and developments in the educational process, to perform physical and mathematical modeling of chemical processes and equipment.

  1. A separate laboratory of the department on the basis of the STC “Ekomash”

In order to provide scientific support in the enterprise’s activities, the most effective use of the experience of highly qualified production personnel, the material and technical base, the improvement of the quality of training and education of young specialists in the field of mechanical engineering, and the maximum convergence of the educational process with production, a separate laboratory of the KTPE department was created on the basis of STC Ekomash”.

The creation of the laboratory contributes to the strengthening of ties between the higher education institution and production, the further improvement of the training of qualified specialists in the field and the development of research and technologies for the manufacture of machines and devices, allows for the coordination of joint scientific research and increases the efficiency of the implementation of results in production.

To work at VNL, highly qualified specialists of LLC NTC “Ekomash” are engaged, who provide such types of training sessions, the conduct of which requires extensive production experience, knowledge of modern technology, structures, assembly and installation of machines, devices and trends in their development.

The laboratory provides technological and pre-diploma practice for students, which allows students to deeply study the structure of the enterprise, production processes, environmental protection technologies and technologies for creating modern equipment, as well as to attract talented young people to projects for the development of new technologies and equipment.

During practice, students collect materials for further writing of qualification papers, therefore the laboratory contributes to the implementation of real diploma design and student scientific research works. Real topics of diploma projects include specific tasks for modernization and improvement of technological processes developed by the enterprise earlier and designed today. The scientific and technical base is used to carry out scientific and research work of applicants and postgraduate students aimed at solving current problems of industry.

The laboratory provides internships for young specialists who graduated from KhPI National Technical University. Some of the graduates go to work at NTC “Ekomash”.

The improvement of theoretical and practical training of students is facilitated by the possibility of using the scientific and technical library of the enterprise, laboratory and test stands for conducting laboratory work provided for in the curricula of the department’s specialties, the development and publication of methodical literature with an explanation of factory methods of equipment calculations, as well as reading courses of lectures and conducting practical occupations by leading specialists of the enterprise.