Educational and professional program Data Analytics (1,4)

Educational and professional program Data mining

Field of knowledge: 11.Mathematics and statistics

Specialty: 113.Applied mathematics

Qualification: Master of Applied Mathematics

Guarantor of the educational program: Leonid Mykhailovych Lyubchyk

1 – General information

Full name of the university and institute
National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” Department of Computer Mathematics and Data Analysis

Level of higher education and title of qualification in the original language
Master of Applied Mathematics

Program cycle / level
NQF of Ukraine – level 8 (master’s), FQ-EHEA – second cycle, EQF-LLL – level 7

Official name of the educational program
Educational and scientific program “Data Mining”

Type of diploma and scope of the educational program
Master’s degree, single, 90 ECTS credits, duration of study 1 year, 4 months

Availability of accreditation
Accreditation Commission. Ukraine. Certificate – ND № 8536 from 28.05.2024 to July 01, 2029

Bachelor’s degree in education

Language(s) of instruction

Validity of the educational program
According to the validity of the accreditation certificate
Reviewed annually

Link to the permanent placement of the description of the educational program

2 – Purpose of the educational program

To provide training of research specialists in the field of applied mathematics, capable of formulating, solving and generalizing complex tasks and problems in their professional activities and carrying out professional innovation activities to perform research and design work using fundamental and special methods of mathematical and computer sciences, develop mathematical models, algorithms, create and operate software.

The educational program is aimed at training researchers who are proficient in mathematical methods and information technologies of machine learning and artificial intelligence for searching, analyzing, processing and visualizing data, including measurement and observation data, texts, signals and images for the purpose of knowledge extraction, forecasting and decision-making.

3 – Characteristics of the educational program

Subject area (field of knowledge, specialty)
Field of knowledge: 11 – Mathematics and statistics
Specialty: 113 – Applied mathematics

Focus of the educational program
Educational and professional program with a focus on research, development and application of mathematical methods, models and algorithms based on machine learning and artificial intelligence.
The professional focus is the development of software for analyzing data, processes, texts, signals and images, forecasting and decision-making, searching and extracting knowledge.

Main focus of the educational program
Specialized education in mathematics and statistics in the specialty 113 – “Applied Mathematics” with a focus on the subject area of intelligent analysis of large uncertain data based on machine learning and artificial intelligence methods.
Key words: data analysis, signal and image processing, pattern recognition, information retrieval, big data, knowledge mining, mathematical models, machine learning, artificial and computational intelligence.

Program features
Experimental project-oriented educational program. Project-based learning based on the implementation of integrated educational and real-world projects. Dual training at basic enterprises (leading IT companies). Individualization of learning with a student-centered approach. Teaching a number of academic disciplines in English.

4 – Suitability of graduates for employment and future education

Employment at enterprises and companies in the IT industry, in information and analytical departments of enterprises in the manufacturing, banking and financial sectors, scientific institutions, higher education institutions, etc.
Professional opportunities of graduates (according to the Classification of professions DK 003:2010).
212 – Professionals in the field of mathematics and statistics;
2121 – Professionals in the field of mathematics;
2121.1 – Researchers (mathematics)
2121.2 – Mathematician (applied mathematics), mathematician-analyst in operations research;
2149.2 – Research engineer (applied mathematics);
213 – Professionals in the field of computing;
2132 – Professionals in the field of programming;
2132.2 – Computer program developers.
Primary positions: researcher, mathematician (applied mathematics), data analyst, system analyst, software developer.

5 – Teaching andassesment

Teaching and learning
Lectures, laboratory and practical classes, scientific and practical seminars, implementation of educational and real projects, problem-based learning and learning on demand, student-centered learning, dual learning, distance and blended learning, independent work and self-study, internships, preparation of qualification work.

Rating system of evaluation. Current and final control of knowledge (surveys, control and individual tasks, testing, etc.), tests and exams (oral and written), defense of educational and real projects with a presentation, public defense of qualification work.

6 – Programmatic competitiontenies

Integrative competence
The ability to solve complex problems and problems of applied mathematics in professional activities or in the learning process, characterized by uncertainty of conditions and requirements and involving research and/or innovation and requiring the use of mathematical theories, methods, algorithms, information technology and specialized software.
General competencies (GC)
GC 1 Ability to realize one’s rights and responsibilities as a member of society, to realize the values of civil (free democratic) society and the need for its sustainable development, the rule of law, human and civil rights and freedoms in Ukraine.
GC 2 The ability to preserve and enhance the moral, cultural, scientific values and achievements of society based on an understanding of the history and patterns of development of the subject area, its place in the general system of knowledge about nature and society and in the development of society, technology and technology.
GC 3 The ability to continuously learn, acquire new knowledge and skills, including in a field other than professional.
GC 4 Ability to identify, formulate and solve problems in professional activities.
GC 5 The ability to generate new ideas (creativity) and non-standard approaches to their implementation, to adapt flexibly to real professional situations, to show creativity and initiative.
GC 6 Ability to critically evaluate and rethink the accumulated experience (own and others), analyze their professional and social activities.
GC 7 Ability to work with information: to find and use information from various sources to solve professional problems.
GC 8 Ability to effectively build communication based on the goals and situation of communication.
GC 9 Ability to prepare and deliver public speeches presenting the results obtained, prepare scientific and technical publications based on the results of research, including in a foreign language.
GC 10 Ability to carry out professional research, design and production activities in an international environment.
GC 11 Ability to social and professional interaction and cooperation in a team, teamwork.
Professional competencies of the specialty
(defined by the higher education institution)
PCS 1 Ability to formulate a mathematical statement of a problem, based on the statement in the language of the subject area, to check the correctness of the statement, including in conditions of uncertainty.
PCS 2 Ability to choose, develop and research a mathematical analytical or numerical method for solving practical problems that provides the required accuracy and reliability
of the result.
PCS 3 Ability to choose, develop, research and apply mathematical methods to solve practical problems of modeling, design, management, forecasting,
PCS 4 Ability to develop algorithms for analyzing uncertain big data, develop appropriate software tools and documentation, design software systems, databases and
PCS 5 Ability to conduct mathematical and computer modeling and computational experiments, collect, visualize, analyze and process data, solve formalized problems using specialized software tools.
PCS 6 Ability to organize the work of a team of performers for research and development of projects, to make expedient and economically sound organizational and managerial
and management decisions.
PCS 7 Ability to search, study and analyze scientific and technical information, domestic and foreign experience related to the use of mathematical methods for the study of processes and systems
PCS 8 Ability to participate in the preparation of scientific and technical reports on completed design or research work and in the implementation of research and development results
PCS 9 Ability to communicate effectively in written and oral technical and scientific communication in the subject area in Ukrainian and one of the common European languages.
PCS 10 Ability to select, develop, research, and apply mathematical models and methods for data mining under conditions of uncertainty.
PCS 11 Ability to develop, research, and apply mathematical methods and algorithms of machine learning, soft computing, and computational intelligence to analyze uncertain data, make predictions, and make decisions.
PCS 12 Ability to develop and operate specialized software tools for intellectual analysis of data, texts, signals and images.
PCS 13 Ability to develop and operate specialized software tools for processing large data sets based on information technologies of distributed and cloud computing.
PCS 14 Ability to use modern information technologies for intellectual data analysis, forecasting, decision-making, information retrieval and extraction
of knowledge

7 – Programatic learning outcomes (PLO)

PLO 1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts, principles, and theories of fundamental and applied mathematics and apply them in practice.
PLO 2 Be able to formalize problems formulated in the language of a particular subject area and choose a rational method of solution; solve problems using analytical or numerical methods, evaluate the accuracy and reliability of the results obtained and interpret them.
PLO 3 To master the methods of development, research and application of mathematical models of complex objects and processes, including the use of computational intelligence methods.
PLO 4 Be able to combine mathematical and computer modeling methods with informal expert analysis procedures to find optimal solutions.
PLO 5 To build algorithms that are efficient in terms of computational accuracy, stability, speed, and system and computing resources for numerical study of mathematical models and data analysis, and decision-making.
PLO 6 Be able to choose, develop and research methods and algorithms for solving mathematical problems of system optimization, operations research, optimal control and decision-making.
PLO 7 Be able to apply modern technologies of programming and software development, software implementation of numerical and symbolic algorithms.
PLO 8 Be able to apply specialized software products and software systems of computer mathematics, big data analysis, etc. in practical work.
PLO 9 Demonstrate skills of interaction with other people, effective communication with professionals and the public, ability to work in groups and teams, conflict and stress management.
PLO 10 To be able to collect, process, analyze, systematize scientific and technical information, avoiding plagiarism, form and communicate judgments, develop presentations and publications.
PLO 11 Demonstrate professional communication skills, oral and written communication in Ukrainian and at least one other European language.
PLOs 12 Know and understand modern methods for solving mathematical problems of statistical and data mining, forecasting, etc.
PLOs 13 Know and understand methods of solving mathematical problems of intellectual information retrieval and knowledge extraction.
PLOs 14 Be able to apply existing and develop new algorithms and software tools for statistical and intelligent analysis of uncertain data.
PLOs 15 Be able to apply existing and develop new algorithms and software tools for processing data, texts, signals and images.
PLOs 16 Be able to apply modern information technologies and software for processing large amounts of data based on distributed and cloud services.

8 – List of components of the educational and professional programs

The list and content of educational components (general, special, specialized, elective) can be found in the curriculum here.

9 – Structural logic diagram

Structural logic diagram.

10 – Form of final certification of applicants for higher education

The certification of graduates of the educational program of specialty 113 “Applied Mathematics” is carried out in the form of a master’s thesis defense and ends with the issuance of a standardized document on the award of a master’s degree with the assignment of qualifications: “Master of Applied Mathematics” in the educational program ”Data Mining”. Attestation is carried out openly and publicly.

Full content of the educational programs:

🔹Educational and professional program “Data Mining” of the second (master’s) level of higher education 2024/2025 academic year

🔹Educational and professional program “Data Mining” of the second (master’s) level of higher education 2023/2024 academic year

🔹Educational and professional program “Data Mining” of the second (master’s) level of higher education 2022/2023 academic year

🔹Educational and professional program “Data Mining” of the second (master’s) level of higher education 2021/2022 academic year

More information:

🔹List of components of the educational and professional program

🔹The curriculum

🔹Structural logic diagram