124 System Analysis

Банер 122 Комп'ютерні науки (магістр)

Educational program: “System Analysis and Management”

Field of knowledge: 12 “Information technologies”

Specialty: 124 “System Analysis”

Guarantor of the educational program: Severyn Valeriy Petrovych

1 – General Information
General Information
Full name of higher education institution and institute National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”
Educational and Scientific Institute of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies
Level of higher education and title of qualification in original language Level – master
Qualification – master’s degree in systems analysis
Level with NRC NRK of Ukraine – level 8, FQ-EHEA – second cycle, EQF-LLL – level 7
Official name of the educational program Educational and professional master’s training program in system analysis “System analysis and management”
Type of diploma and scope of educational program Master’s degree, single, 90 EKTS credits,
training period 1 year 4 months
Availability of accreditation Certificate of Accreditation: Series PD – IV No. 2158945
dated August 12, 2013
Prerequisites Bachelor’s degree available
Language(s) of instruction Ukrainian
Duration of the educational program Until the next accreditation
Internet address of the permanent placement of the educational program http://web.kpi.kharkov.ua/say
2 – Purpose of the educational program
Training of professionals capable of designing complex information systems, developing new and applying existing methods of system analysis and management to solve complex problems in various spheres of activity.
3 – Characteristics of the educational program
Characteristics of the educational program
Subject area (field of knowledge, specialty, program) Field of knowledge: 12 “Information technologies”
Specialty: 124 “System Analysis”
Program: “System Analysis and Management”
The main focus of the educational program The educational and professional master’s training program is aimed at training professionals capable of solving complex practical problems of system analysis and management, which involve the application of theoretical principles and methods of system analysis, management and information technologies.

Keywords: system analysis, mathematical modeling, complex system, decision-making, management, optimization, forecasting, design, information technologies.

Program Features The industry and regional context is taken into account in accordance with the needs of the powerful IT cluster of the city of Kharkiv, in particular through the participation of IT companies in conducting pre-diploma practice and consulting for master’s degree applicants.
4 – Suitability of graduates for employment and further education
Suitability of graduates for employment and further education
Employability Professionals who received an education under the educational program “System Analysis and Management” can engage in the following types of economic activity:
72 Activities in the field of informatization;
73 Research and development;
80 Education.
Job titles according to the National Classifier of Professions
(DK 003:2010):
2111 Professional in the field of mathematics;
2122 Professional in the field of statistics;
2131 Professional in the field of computer systems;
2132 Professional in the field of programming;
2433 Professional in the field of information and information analysis;
2139 Professional in other fields of computing (computerization);
2451 Professional in the field of teaching methods.
Further Education The possibility to continue studying at the third (educational and scientific) level to obtain the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
5 – Software Competencies
Integral competence Ability to solve problems of a research and/or innovative nature in the field of system analysis.
General competences (CG)
ZK 1 Ability to abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis.
ZK 2 Ability to communicate in a foreign language.
ZK 3 Ability to search, process and analyze information from various sources.
ZK 4 Ability to communicate with representatives of other professional groups at different levels (with experts from other fields of knowledge/types of economic activity).
ZK 5 Ability to communicate in the state language orally and in writing
ZK 6 Ability to develop and manage projects.
Professional competences (FC)
FC 1 The ability to integrate knowledge and carry out systematic research, to apply methods of mathematical and informational modeling of complex systems and processes of various nature.
FC 2 Ability to design the architecture of information systems.
FC 3 Ability to develop decision support systems and recommender systems.
FC 4 Ability to assess risks, develop risk management algorithms in complex systems of various nature.
FC 5 The ability to model, forecast and design complex systems and processes based on the methods and tools of system analysis.
FC 6 The ability to apply the theory and methods of Data Science to perform intelligent data analysis in order to identify new properties and generate new knowledge about complex systems.
FC 7 Ability to manage IT workflows that are complex, unpredictable and require new strategic approaches.
FC 8 Ability to develop and implement scientific and applied projects in the field of information technologies and related interdisciplinary projects.
FC 9 Ability to protect intellectual property rights, commercialize research and innovation results.
FC 10 Ability for self-education and professional development.
Additional professional competencies (DFK)
DFK 1 Ability to choose the appropriate architecture, perform synthesis, training and modeling of artificial neural networks for a specific application.
DFK 2 Ability to plan and carry out scientific research.
DFK 3 Ability to develop logical inference management strategies and methods of increasing inference efficiency in expert systems.
DFK 4 The ability to use programming environments and information technologies to solve problems of mathematical modeling, analysis and synthesis of complex systems and processes.
6 – Program learning outcomes
Program learning outcomes (LP)
PH 1 Specialized conceptual knowledge, which includes modern scientific achievements in the field of system analysis and information technologies and is the basis for original thinking and conducting research.
PH 2 Build and research models of complex systems and processes, using methods of system analysis, mathematical, computer and information modeling.
PH 3 Apply the methods of revealing uncertainties in the problems of system analysis, reveal situational uncertainties and uncertainties in the problems of interaction, opposition and conflict of strategies, find a compromise when revealing conceptual uncertainty.
PH 4 Develop and apply methods, algorithms and tools for forecasting the development of complex systems and processes of various nature.
PH 5 Use measures of risk assessment and apply them in the analysis of multifactorial risks in complex systems.
PH 6 Apply methods of machine learning and intelligent data analysis, mathematical apparatus of fuzzy logic, game theory and distributed artificial intelligence to solve complex problems of system analysis.
PH 7 Develop intelligent systems in conditions of loosely structured data of various nature.
PH 8 Identify and evaluate parameters of mathematical models of control objects.
PH 9 Develop and apply models, methods and decision-making algorithms in conditions of conflict, unclear information, uncertainty and risks.
PH 10 Clearly and unambiguously communicate own knowledge, conclusions and arguments to specialists and non-specialists, in particular to people who are studying.
PH 11 It is free to present and discuss orally and in writing the results of research and innovation, other issues of professional activity in the state and English languages
Additional learning outcomes (SLT)
DRN 1 Be able to implement, test, implement, support, operate software tools for working with data and knowledge in computer systems and networks.
DRN 2 Know the purpose and principles of building OLAP systems and data warehouses, as well as the peculiarities of their application in tasks of intelligent data analysis.
DRN 3 Know the methods of acquisition, formalization and structuring of knowledge, be able to choose a tool for the development of expert and recommendation systems depending on the subject area and the specifics of a specific task.
DRN 4 Be able to create effective algorithms for computational tasks of system analysis and decision support systems.
7 – List of components of the educational and professional program
The list and content of educational components (general, special, profile, selective) can be found in the curriculum by link.
8 – Structural and logical scheme
9 – Form of graduation certificate of higher education applicants
The graduation certification of students of higher education under the educational program “System Analysis and Management” is carried out in the form of the defense of a qualification paper, which involves the solution of a complex specialized task or a practical problem of system analysis with the application of theoretical provisions and methods of system analysis and/or information technologies.
The qualifying work cannot contain falsifications or academic plagiarism (textual or other borrowings without appropriate references to primary sources). The qualification work must be placed in the repository of the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”.
Graduation certification is carried out openly and publicly and ends with the issuance of a document (diploma) of the established model on the award of a master’s degree with the qualification: Master of System Analysis.

Selective educational components. Profile blocks

1. System analysis and management

Brief characteristics
A feature of the disciplines of the “System Analysis and Control” block is their focus on deepening the mathematical and programming training of future bachelors in the field of automatic control theory and system analysis. Skills in the design and development of information and analytical systems are reinforced by the study of modern programming technologies. The educational disciplines proposed for assimilation are focused on the application of previously acquired knowledge in the development of web applications and information-analytical support systems for management decision-making. In general, students receive a completed education that allows them to either directly develop and apply systems analysis methods and tools to solve complex problems in various fields of activity, or to continue their studies at a master’s degree.

The list and content of optional educational components can be found in the curriculum at the link.

2. Information technologies of system analysis

Brief characteristics
A feature of the disciplines of the block “Information technologies of system analysis” is their focus on deepening the training of future bachelors in the field of information technologies for the design and development of modern computer systems and web applications. Skills in the development of software products are reinforced by the study of parallel and cross-platform programming technologies. The disciplines of the last semester are focused on the application of previously acquired knowledge in the development of intelligent control systems for complex dynamic objects. In general, students receive a completed education that allows them to either directly move to practical activities in the field of information technology application of data analysis and business analysis, or to continue their studies at a master’s degree.

The list and content of optional educational components can be found in the curriculum at the link.

Additional information

Full content of the educational program

List of components of the educational and professional program (Curriculum)

Structural – logical scheme