The interaction of education and IT business is the key to high-quality student training

One of the competitive advantages of the SEMIT Department is an effective partnership with the Ukrainian IT community, which is implemented in various forms: assistance to IT companies in upgrading computer classes, participation of stake holders in the development of curricula, professional advice for students.

It is necessary to start the study of an academic discipline with a clear awareness by students of the necessity to obtain knowledge and skills based on the results of its study for their further professional career.
It is advisable to do this with specific examples, for the formation of a motivational connection in the mind of the student, between the academic discipline and his professional activity. With this purpose at the beginning of the study of the educational discipline “Fundamentals of Computer Networks”, a meeting was organized with the Senior Resource Development Lab Head of the ERAM company, Andrey Kostromitskiy, who informally told the students about the place of computer networks in mastering the profession of DevOps engineer.

Thanks to Andrey for the fruitful cooperation and we look forward to further meetings!

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