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Head of the student research group “Principles and features of the development of complex corporate information systems“
Professional and academic experience
- 2017 – present time – associate professor of the department of system analysis and information technologies of the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”.
- 2008 – 2017 – Associate Professor of the Department of System Analysis and Management of the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”
- 2007 – 2008 – senior lecturer of the Department of System Analysis and Management of the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”
- 2005 – 2007 – assistant of the Department of System Analysis and Management of the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”
- 2002 – 2005 – postgraduate student of the Department of System Analysis and Management of the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”
- Engineer-mathematician-researcher majoring in “Applied Mathematics” – 2002 National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”
- Candidate of technical sciences, specialty 05.13.07 – Automation of technological processes – 2005, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”
Teaching disciplines
- Numerical methods
- Modern methods of mathematical and computer modeling
- Theory calculations
- Technologies development of mobile systems
- Software testing technologies provision
- Software quality and testing
- Software Quality, Testing and Support
- Technology testing software systems
- Theory mass service
- Algorithms and plagiarism detection systems
Scientific interests
- Mathematical modeling of complex systems
- Analysis of business systems
- Theory of random processes and fields
- Quality and testing of software systems
- Mobile application development technologies
- Numerical methods
Professional achievements and membership
- Published more than 40 scientific and educational and methodological works
- Member of the Public Organization “Ukrainian Scientific and Educational IT Society”, Ukraine
- Scientific secretary of the NNI KNIT
Published works
Textbooks, study guides, monographs
- Marchenko N.A., Malko M.M., Sydorenko G.Yu. CSS technology: educational method. manual – Uzhhorod; Kharkiv: LLC “RIK-U”, NTU “KhPI”, 2023 – 108 p.
- Natalia Marchenko, Ganna Sydorenko and Roman Rudenko. Using of multilayer neural networks for the solving systems of differential equations // Bulletin of NTU “KhPI”. Collection of scientific papers. Series: “System analysis, management and information technologies”. – Kharkiv: NTU “KhPI”. – 2021. – No. 2 (6). – P. 81–88
- A. S. Mazmanyshvili, N. G. Reshetniak, G. Yu. Sydorenko. Dynamics of an electron beam formed by a magnetron gun with a secondary emission cathode in a falling magnetic field of a solenoid: experiment and modeling // Bulletin of KhPI National Technical University. Collection of scientific papers. Series: “System analysis, management and information technologies”. – Kharkiv: NTU “KhPI”. – 2021. – No. 2 (6). – P. 27–34
- Ganna Sydorenko, Volchanska Anastasiia. The architecture and software development for web-application for finding the necessary medicines // XV International Scientific and Practical Conference of Master’s and Postgraduate Students “Theoretical and Practical Research of Young Scientists” (December 01–03, 2021): materials of the conference / edited by Prof. E.I. Falcon – Kharkiv: NTU “KhPI”, 2021. P. 5-6.
- Natalia Marchenko, Ganna Sydorenko and Roman Rudenko. Using Neural Networks To Solve The Differential Equation // Information Systems and Technologies: Proceedings of the 10th International Scientific and Technical Conference, Kharkiv-Odesa, September 13-19, 2021 / Science. ed. HELL. Tevyashev, L.B. Petryshyn, V.V. Bezkorovainy, V.G. Kobzev. – Kh.: Khnure, 2021, pp. 125-129.
- Mazurova Oksana, Naboka Artem, Shirokopetleva Mariya and Sydorenko Ganna. Comparison of Distributed Transactions Execution in Different Types of DBMS. Information systems and technologies: proceedings of the 10th International Scientific and Technical Conference, Kharkiv-Odesa, September 13-19, 2021 / Science. ed. HELL. Tevyashev, L.B. Petryshyn, V.V. Bezkorovainy, V.G. Kobzev. – Kh.: Khnure, 2021, pp. 185-195.
- Sydorenko G.Yu., Mazmanishvili A.S. Algorithm for constructing a stationary normal Markov 3d field: dynamic equation of motion, statistical distribution of probabilities, visualization. Bulletin of NTU “KhPI”. Series: “System analysis, management and information technologies”. – Kh.: NTU “KhPI”. – 2017. – No. 55(1276). – with. 13–21.
- Sydorenko G.Yu., Malko M.M., Lyashenko M.A. Using a serverless approach to create a web application for product monitoring. Bulletin of NTU “KhPI”. Collection of scientific papers. Series: “System analysis, management and information technologies”. – Kh.: NTU “KhPI”. – 2018. – No. 21(1279). – with. 54–58.
- Sydorenko G.Yu., Mazmanishvili A.S. Algorithm for generating three-dimensional stationary normal Markov fields. Bulletin of the Kherson National Technical University. – Kherson: National Technical University. -2018. No. 3(66), Volume 2. P.63-69.
- Sydorenko G.Yu., Mazmanishvili A.S. Reverse functions and probability distributions of a random convolution functional from a normal Markov process. Bulletin of NTU “KhPI”. Collection of scientific papers. Series: “System analysis, management and information technologies”. – Kharkiv: NTU “KhPI”. – 2018. – No. 44 (1320). – pp. 9–14.
- Sydorenko G.Yu., Mazmanishvili A.S. Application of reverse functions in the problem of distribution of probabilities of a random convolution functional from a normal Markov process. Bulletin of the Kherson National Technical University. – Kherson: National Technical University. – 2019. No. 3(69), T.2. P.63-69.
Scientometric data
SCOPUS / Publons – Web of Science ResearcherID: AAH-7456-2019 / ORCID / Google Scholar