124 System Analysis

Освітня програма: "Системний аналіз і управління"

Educational program: “System analysis and management”

Field of knowledge: 12 “Information technologies”

Specialty: 124 “System Analysis”

Education level: Bachelor

Guarantor of the educational program: Yurii Dorofeev

Educational program profile

1 – General information

Higher educational institution and structural division

National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”,
Educational and Scientific Institute of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies,
Department of System Analysis and Information and Analytical Technologies

Degree of higher education and title of qualification in original language

The degree of higher education is a bachelor’s degree.
Educational qualification: bachelor’s degree in systems analysis

Official name of the educational program

Educational and professional program “System analysis and management”

Type of diploma and scope of educational program

Bachelor’s degree, single, 240 EKTS credits, study period – 3 years 10 months

Availability of accreditation

Accreditation Commission. Ukraine.
Certificate of accreditation of specialty ND No. 2192169. Validity period ‒ until 01.07.2026.


First (bachelor) level of higher education, NRK of Ukraine – level 6, FQ-EHEA – first cycle, EQF-LLL – level 6


Complete general secondary education or educational degree “junior bachelor”

Language of teaching

Ukrainian language.

Duration of the educational program

According to the validity period of the accreditation certificate. Reviewed annually.

Link to the permanent placement of the description of the educational program


2 – Purpose of the educational program
Training of specialists capable of developing and applying methods and means of system analysis to solve complex problems in various spheres of activity, meeting the modern needs of enterprises and institutions, as well as preparation for admission to the second (master’s) level of higher education.
3 – Characteristics of the educational program

Subject area (field of knowledge, specialty, program)

Field of knowledge: 12 – Information technologies

Specialty: 124 – System analysis

Object of study: mathematical methods and information technologies of analysis, modeling, forecasting, design and decision-making regarding complex systems of any nature.

Study goals: training of specialists capable of developing and applying methods and tools of system analysis to solve complex problems in various spheres of activity.

Theoretical content of the subject area: theory of control and decision-making, mathematical and computer modeling, mathematical statistics, data analysis, operations research, optimization of systems and processes.

Methods, techniques and technologies: methods of mathematical modeling, data analysis, optimization and operations research, forecasting, risk assessment, management and decision-making theories, game and conflict theory, expert evaluation, sustainable development.

Tools and equipment: specialized software.

Orientation of the educational program

An educational and professional bachelor’s training program that has an applied orientation and combines the learning of mathematical methods of control theory, system analysis and data analysis with computer training, which includes the study of programming, the architecture of modern information systems, databases, operating systems and network information technologies.

The main focus of the educational program and specialization

The program provides general and special education in the field of information technologies and is aimed at training specialists capable of solving complex practical problems of system analysis and management, which involve the application of theoretical provisions and methods of system analysis and information technologies.

Key words: system analysis, complex system, decision-making, mathematical modeling, management, forecasting, design.

Program features

The program takes into account the industry and regional context in accordance with the needs of the powerful IT cluster of the city of Kharkiv, in particular through the participation of IT companies in conducting pre-diploma practice and consultingstudents with a bachelor’s degree.

4 – Suitability of graduates for employment and further education

Suitability for employment

Specialists who received an education under the educational program “System Analysis and Management” can engage in the following types of economic activities:
72 Activities in the field of informatization;
73 Research and development;
80 Education.

Job titles according to the National Classifier of Professions (DK 003:2010):
131.2 Software and multimedia analyst;
132.2 Application programmer;
2131.2 Computer software engineer;
2132.2 Software engineer;
2132.2 Programmer (data base);
2139.2 Computer application engineer

Further education

The opportunity to study in programs of the second (master’s) level of higher education; acquisition of additional qualifications in the postgraduate education system.

5 - Teaching and Assessment

Teaching and learning

Student-centered learning, problem-oriented learning, distance learning in the Microsoft 365 system, practical learning, self-learning.

Teaching is conducted in the form of: lectures, multimedia lectures, practical classes, laboratory work. There is also provision for independent work with the possibility of consultations with the teacher, performance of qualification work.


Current and final control of knowledge (surveys, control and individual tasks, testing, etc.), tests and exams (oral and written), defense of coursework and projects with presentation, public defense of qualification work.

Evaluation is carried out on a national scale (excellent, good, satisfactory, unsatisfactory); 100-point scale and ECTS scale (A, B, C, D, E, FX, F).

6 – Software Competencies

Integral competence

The ability to solve complex specialized tasks and practical problems of system analysis in professional activity or in the learning process, which involve the application of theoretical provisions and methods of system analysis and information technologies and are characterized by complexity and uncertainty of conditions.

General competences (defined by the standard of higher education of the specialty)

ZK1. Ability to abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis.
ZK2. Ability to apply knowledge in practical situations.
ZK3. Ability to plan and manage time.
ZK4. Knowledge and understanding of the subject area and understanding of professional activity.
ZK5. Ability to communicate in the national language orally and in writing.
ZK6. Ability to communicate in a foreign language.
ZK7. Ability to search, process and analyze information from various sources.
ZK8. The ability to be critical and self-critical.
ZK9. Ability to adapt and act in a new situation.
ZK10. Ability to work autonomously.
ZK11. Ability to generate new ideas (creativity).
ZK12. Ability to work in a team.
ZK13. Ability to work in an international context.
ZK14. The ability to evaluate and ensure the quality of the work performed.
ZK15. The ability to realize one’s rights and responsibilities as a member of society, to be aware of the values ​​of a civil (free democratic) society, the rule of law, the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen in Ukraine.
ZK16. The ability to preserve and multiply moral, cultural, scientific values ​​and achievements of society based on an understanding of the history and patterns of development of the subject area, its place in the general system of knowledge about nature and society and in the development of society, technology and technologies, to use various types and forms of motor activity for active recreation and leading a healthy lifestyle.
ZK17. The ability to make decisions and act in accordance with the principle of inadmissibility of corruption and any other manifestations of dishonesty.

Special (professional) competences of the specialty (defined by the standard of higher education of the specialty)

SK1. The ability to use system analysis as a modern interdisciplinary methodology based on applied mathematical methods and modern information technologies and focused on solving problems of analysis and synthesis of technical, economic, social, environmental and other complex systems.
SK2. The ability to formalize problems described in natural language, including using mathematical methods, to apply general approaches to mathematical modeling of specific processes.
SK3. The ability to build mathematically correct models of static and dynamic processes and systems with concentrated and distributed parameters, taking into account the uncertainty of external and internal factors.
SK4. The ability to determine the main factors that influence the development of physical, economic, and social processes, to isolate stochastic and uncertain indicators in them, to formulate them in the form of random or vague values, vectors, processes, and to investigate the dependencies between them.
SK5. The ability to formulate optimization problems during the projectdevelopment of management and decision-making systems, namely: mathematical models, optimality criteria, limitations, management goals; choose rational methods and algorithms for solving optimization and optimal control problems.
SK6. Ability to computerize mathematical models of real systems and processes; design, apply and support software tools for modeling, decision-making, optimization, information processing, intelligent data analysis.
SK7. The ability to use modern information technologies for computer implementation of mathematical models and prediction of the behavior of specific systems, namely: object-oriented approach in designing complex systems of various nature, applied mathematical packages, application of databases and knowledge.
SK8. The ability to organize work on the analysis and design of complex systems, the creation of appropriate information technologies and software.
SK9. Ability to present mathematical arguments and conclusions with clarity and precision and in forms suitable for an audience, both orally and in writing.
SK10. The ability to develop experimental and observational studies and analyze the data obtained in them.
SK11. The ability to systematically analyze one’s professional and social activities, to evaluate accumulated experience.

Additional special competences

SK12. The ability to develop mathematical models of complex dynamic objects and systems, including automatic control systems, in the form of differential and difference equations and their systems, to choose rational methods and algorithms for solving such equations and systems.
SK13. The ability to carry out structural analysis and structural-parametric synthesis of automatic control systems of dynamic objects, to carry out an analysis of the fulfillment of the conditions of their stability, controllability and observability.
SK14. The ability to formalize the tasks of making optimal decisions with many criteria based on the theory of Pareto optimality using convolution, minimax, conditional optimization and hierarchy of criteria, to perform computer implementation of making optimal decisions.

7 – Learning outcomes

Results of study by specialty (defined by the standard of higher education of the specialty)

PH1. Know and be able to apply in practice differential and integral calculus, Fourier series and integral, analytic geometry, linear algebra and vector analysis, functional analysis and discrete mathematics to the extent necessary to solve typical problems of system analysis.
PH2. Know and be able to use standard schemes for solving combinatorial and logical problems formulated in natural language, apply classical algorithms for checking the properties and classification of objects, sets, relations, graphs, groups, rings, lattices, Boolean functions, etc.
PH3. To be able to determine the probability distributions of stochastic indicators and factors affecting the characteristics of the studied processes, investigate the properties and find the characteristics of multidimensional random vectors and use them to solve applied problems, formalize stochastic indicators and factors in the form of random variables, vectors, processes.
PH4. Know and be able to apply basic methods of qualitative analysis and integration of ordinary differential equations and systems, differential equations in partial derivatives, including equations of mathematical physics.
PH5. Know the basic principles of the theory of metric spaces, the Lebesgue theory of measure and integral, the theory of bounded linear operators in Banach and Hilbert spaces, apply the technique and methods of functional analysis to solve the problems of managing complex processes under conditions of uncertainty.
PH6. To know and be able to apply the basic methods of posing and solving problems of system analysis in conditions of uncertainty of goals, external conditions and conflicts.
PH7. To know the basics of the theory of optimization, optimal management, decision-making theory, to be able to apply them in practice to solve applied problems of management and design of complex systems.
PH8. To have modern methods of developing programs and software complexes and making optimal decisions regarding the composition of software, algorithms of procedures and operations.
PH9. To be able to create effective algorithms for computational tasks of system analysis and decision support systems.
PH10. Know the architecture of modern computer systems and computer networks.
PH11. Know and be able to apply database and knowledge management systems and information systems in practice.
PH12. Apply methods and means of working with data and knowledge, methods of mathematical, logical-semantic, object and simulation modeling, technologies of system and statistical analysis.
PH13. Design, implement, test, implement, support, operate software tools for working with data and knowledge in computer systems and networks.
PH14. understandyou and apply statistical modeling and forecasting methods in practice, evaluate raw data.
PH15. Understand Ukrainian and foreign languages ​​at a level sufficient for processing professional informational and literary sources, professional oral and written communication, writing texts on professional topics.
PH16. To understand and realize one’s rights and responsibilities as a member of society, to be aware of the values ​​of a free democratic society, the rule of law, the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen in Ukraine.
PH17. To preserve and increase the achievements and values ​​of society based on the understanding of the place of the subject area in the general system of knowledge, to use various types and forms of motor activity to lead a healthy lifestyle.

8 – Resource support for program implementation

Human resources

Meets the personnel requirements for ensuring the implementation of educational activities in the field of higher education for the first (bachelor) level in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 30.12.2015 No. 1187 “On approval of the Licensing conditions for the implementation of educational activities of educational institutions” (as amended in accordance with by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 365 of March 24, 2021. Appendix 15-16).

Representatives of employers – practical professionals and experts in the IT industry – are involved in classroom classes in some disciplines.

Material and technical support

Meets the technological requirements for the material and technical support of educational activities in the field of higher education for the first (bachelor) level in accordance with the requirements of Appendix 13 to the Licensing Conditions, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 30.12.2015 No. 1187 (as amended in accordance with the Resolution CMU No. 365 dated 24.03.2021, appendix 17):

  1. Provision of premises for training classes and control events.
  2. Provision of educational classrooms with multimedia equipment.
  3. Availability of social and household infrastructure.
  4. Provision of computer workstations necessary for the implementation of educational plans.

Information and educational and methodological support

Meets the technological requirements for educational and methodological support of educational activities in the field of higher education for the first (bachelor) level in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 12.30.2015 No. 1187 “On Approval of the Licensing Conditions for Conducting Educational Activities of Educational Institutions” (as amended in accordance with the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 365 of March 24, 2021. Appendix 18):

  1. Ensurement of scientific and technical library of NTU “KhPI” with domestic and foreign professional periodicals of the relevant or related profile, including in electronic form.
  2. Availability of access to databases of periodical scientific publications in English of the relevant or related profile.
  3. The presence of the official website of NTU “KhPI”, which contains basic information about its activities (structure, licenses and accreditation certificates, educational / educational-scientific / publishing / attestation activities, structural divisions and their composition, list of academic disciplines , admission rules, contact information).
  4. Availability of an electronic resource that contains educational and methodological materials from the disciplines of the curriculum, including in the Microsoft 365 distance learning system.
9 – Academic mobility

National credit mobility

Academic mobility within Ukraine is based on bilateral agreements between NTU “KhPI” and higher education institutions of Ukraine.

The procedure for organizing academic mobility programs for participants in the educational process is regulated by the “Regulations on the Academic Mobility of Students, Postgraduate Students, Doctoral Students, Scientific and Pedagogical and Scientific Workers of NTU “KhPI”, which is posted on the website of the educational department (http://library.kpi.kharkov.ua/files/documents/polozhennya_pro_pidvishennya_kvalifikatsiyi_2019_22_04_2019.pdf).

“The Regulation on the procedure for expulsion, suspension of studies, renewal and transfer of students of higher education, as well as granting them academic leave and the right to repeat studies at NTU “KhPI”, which is also posted on the website of the educational department, establishes the procedure for expulsion, suspension of studies, renewal and transfer of persons studying at educational programs licensed in accordance with the established procedure. The provision also applies to persons studying at accredited (if accreditation is provided for by national legislation) educational programs in educational institutions of foreign countries, in case of their renewal or transfer to NTU “KhPI”

International credit mobility

International academic mobility is based on bilateral agreements between NTU “KhPI” and the institutioninstitutions of higher education of foreign partner countries and is regulated by the “Regulations on student training and internship (scientific internship) of post-graduate students, doctoral students, scientific and scientific-pedagogical employees of NTU “KhPI” in leading higher education institutions and scientific institutions abroad” (http://library.kpi.kharkov.ua/files/documents/polozhennya_pro_pidvishennya_kvalifikatsiyi_2019_22_04_2019.pdf).

Individual agreements on academic mobility for study and research in universities and scientific institutions of partner countries are allowed.

Education of foreign education seekers

Education of foreign students can be conducted under general conditions or according to an individual schedule.

List of educational components of the educational program and their logical sequence

The list and content of educational components (general, special, profile, selective) can be found in the curriculum by link.
Structural and logical diagram

Form of attestation of students of higher education

The graduation certification of students of higher education under the educational program “System Analysis and Management” is carried out in the form of a public defense of a qualification work, which involves solving a complex specialized task or a practical problem of system analysis with the application of theoretical provisions and methods of system analysis and/or information technologies.

The qualification work cannot contain falsifications, fabrications or academic plagiarism (textual or other borrowings without appropriate references to original sources). The qualification work must be placed in the repository of the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”.

Graduation certification is carried out openly and publicly and ends with the issuance of a document (diploma) of the established model awarding a bachelor’s degree with the qualification: bachelor in systems analysis.

The public defense of the qualification work takes place at an open meeting of the certification commission.

Selective educational components. Profile blocks

1. System analysis and management

Brief description

A feature of the disciplines of the “System Analysis and Control” block is their focus on deepening the mathematical and programming training of future bachelors in the field of automatic control theory and system analysis. Skills in the design and development of information and analytical systems are reinforced by the study of modern programming technologies. The educational disciplines proposed for assimilation are focused on the application of previously acquired knowledge in the development of web applications and information-analytical support systems for management decision-making. In general, students receive a completed education that allows them to either directly develop and apply systems analysis methods and tools to solve complex problems in various fields of activity, or to continue their studies at a master’s degree.

2. Information technologies of system analysis

Brief description

A feature of the disciplines of the block “Information technologies of system analysis” is their focus on deepening the training of future bachelors in the field of information technologies for the design and development of modern computer systems and web applications. Skills in the development of software products are reinforced by the study of parallel and cross-platform programming technologies. The disciplines of the last semester are focused on the application of previously acquired knowledge in the development of intelligent control systems for complex dynamic objects. In general, students receive a completed education that allows them to either directly move to practical activities in the field of information technology application of data analysis and business analysis, or to continue their studies at a master’s degree.

Disciplines of free choice

The list and content of optional educational components can be found in the curriculum by link.

Additional information

Full text of the educational program

Other documents

Survey and discussion
