Олександр Нікулін

Oleksandr Nikulin

In 2006, he received a bachelor’s degree in applied mathematics, and in 2008, a master’s degree in social informatics from the SAIT department of NTU “KhPI”. After graduation, he works in the field of information technology. He began his career Read more

Захист магістрів 13.12.2023

Master’s theses defense 12/13/2023

Захист дипломних робіт магістрів 13.12.2023 13.12.2023 на кафедрі САІТ відбувся останній день захисту магістерських дипломних робіт студентів спеціальності 122 – Комп’ютерні науки. Усі представлені роботи мають цілісне та повноцінне виконання, а студенти продемонстрували гарні знання та ерудицію. Вітаємо студентів з Read more

Дмитро Савенков

Dmytro Savenkov

Dmitry Savenkov, in 2004 received a master’s degree with honors in the specialty “Applied Mathematics” at the Department of System Analysis and Information and Analytical Technologies. While still studying at the university, he began working at the telecommunications company “Iskratel” Read more

Ольга Кудінова

Olga Kudinova

Kudinova Olga, in 2002 received a bachelor’s degree in applied mathematics, and in 2004 – a master’s degree in social informatics at the Department of SAIT NTU “KhPI”. Since then, she has been engaged in data analysis for almost 20 Read more

Уляна Лефтер

Ulyana Lefter

Ulyana Lefter, in 2013 she received a bachelor’s degree, in 2015 – a master’s degree in specialty 124 “Systems Analysis”. In 2018-2019 she completed the Frontend Advanced courses from A-Level. In 2019 she received the position of Trainee React Developer Read more

Дарина Легка

Daryna Legka

Daryna Kostyantynivna Lehka received a bachelor’s degree in publishing and printing in 2021. Immediately after graduating from university, she got a job at the Master Service company, where she works as a graphic designer and creates all types of advertising Read more

Дорофєєв Юрій Іванович

Yurij Dorofyeyev

Graduate of the Department of Technical Cybernetics (the first name of the Department of System Analysis and Information and Analytical Technologies) of NTU “KhPI”. After completing postgraduate studies, he defended his candidate’s thesis in 1995, and his doctoral thesis in Read more

Oleksandra Samojlova

Oleksandra Samoilova, in 2016 she received a bachelor’s degree, and in 2018 – a master’s degree in the specialty “Systems Analysis“. In 2016, she started working at the IT company “Cloud Works” as a Junior QA, and 5 years later Read more

Олена Самарська

Olena Samarska

Samarskaya Olena, in 2007 she received a bachelor’s degree in Applied Mathematics, in 2009 she received a master’s degree in Social Informatics at the Department of SAIT of NTU “KhPI”. In 2007 she started working at Stella Systems as a Read more