The National Research Council of the Kingdom of the Netherlands approved the allocation of seven grants for cooperation with researchers in Ukraine

Національна Дослідницька Рада Королівства Нідерланди схвалила виділення семи грантів на співпрацю з дослідниками в Україні

The National Research Council of the Kingdom of the Netherlands approved the allocation of seven grants for cooperation with researchers in Ukraine

Dorofyeev Yurij Ivanovych
Dorofeyev Yurij Ivanovych

Congratulations to the head of the Department of System Analysis and Information and Analytical Technologies (SAIT), Professor Yuri Ivanovich Dorofeev , who is one of the seven Ukrainian scientists who received grants to participate in research within the framework of the program “NWO Hop-On for researchers based in Ukraine: NWO-NRFU 2023 partnership initiative”, launched in 2023 by the National Research Council of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (NWO) and the National Research Fund of Ukraine (NRFU).

The decision on this is published on the official website of the NWO: https ://

The purpose of the program is to stimulate the online participation of qualified researchers located in Ukraine in ongoing NWO projects and to expand their cooperation with scientists from the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Ukrainian researchers should be able to continue their scientific work even under such dire circumstances as the full-scale war ongoing in Ukraine.

Viktoriya Degelyer (Tarasova)
Viktoriya Degelyer (Tarasova)

Professor Y.I. Dorofeev as a partner, is involved in the project “DiTEC: digital double for evolutionary changes in water supply networks”, which is managed by a former graduate of the department of SAIT NTU “KhPI”, Dr. Viktoriya Degeler, currently a professor at the University of Amsterdam. This project is aimed at the development of the Digital Twin system, built on the basis of an artificial neural network of deep learning, for the automation of decision-making processes regarding the network structure and operating modes of controlled elements of a complex drinking water supply system to users when operating modes and water consumption scenarios change. It is expected that the cooperation between the Dutch consortium and Ukrainian partners will ensure the rapid integration of the results obtained at the SAIT department under the leadership of prof. Yu.I. Dorofeeva, into the digital system being developed as part of the project.

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