Tetyana Aleksandrova

After graduating from the Department of Systems Analysis and Control, she entered graduate school. In 2003, she defended her candidate’s thesis, and 12 years later, her doctoral thesis in the specialty 05.13.07 – automation of technological processes. Since 2001, she has been teaching at the Department of Systems Analysis and Control, and supervises the training of masters and postgraduate students.

She has over 90 scientific publications, including in journals included in the international scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science, 5 patents for inventions. She regularly participates in international scientific conferences.

Her scientific interests include the development of automatic control systems for military equipment.

Thanks to the bright, charismatic professors and associate professors of the Department of Systems Analysis and Control, while still a student, I decided that I wanted to teach. A few years later, my dream came true: I was offered to enter graduate school and become a teacher at my favorite department. Fundamental training and constant work with a scientific supervisor allowed me to defend not only my candidate’s, but also my doctoral dissertation. I am very proud that in my work book there is only one entry about the place of work – NTU “KhPI”, Department of Systems Analysis and Management!Tetyana Alexandrova
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