Yevgeniya Sotnykova

Євгенія Сотникова

Evgeniya Sotnikova, in 2011, received a master’s degree from the Department of SAIT NTU “KhPI” in the specialty “Social Informatics” and the qualification of a mathematician-researcher. The knowledge acquired and perseverance in their further improvement allowed her to start a career as a Frontend Developer using HTML, CSS, Javascript. In the process of further work, she performed tasks related to managing website content using CMS systems WordPress, Shopify, Magento.

Since 2016, she has worked as a certified Magento Frontend Developer.

In 2021, she received a new position of Product Owner and Business Analyst. The main challenge when changing specialization was that the technological stack of new projects is focused on the development of mobile applications and is fundamentally different from previous web development experience. But thanks to her technical skills, Yevgenia mastered the specifics of mobile development, which allowed her to become a reliable bridge between the software customer and the development team.

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