Position: Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematical Modeling and Intelligent Computing in Engineering (MME).
Scientific degree, academic title: Ph.D in Technical Science, Associate Professor.
A specialist in the field of modeling dynamic processes of mechanical systems, applied problems of linear and quadratic programming.
Graduated from the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” (NTU “KhPI”) with a degree in “Dynamics and Strength of Machines”, qualification: mechanical engineer-researcher, 1971.

Ph.D. in Technical Sciences, specialty 01.02.06 – Dynamics, Strength, and Reliability of Machinery, Instruments, and Equipment. Dissertation topic: “Interrelated torsional-longitudinal vibrations of gas turbine engine rotors”, 1976.

Assistant Professor at the Department of Dynamics and Strength of Machines, 1983.

Lecture courses:

  • “Theory of Dynamic Processes Part 1”,
  • “Theory of Dynamic Processes Part 2”,
  • “Special Topics in Machine Dynamics and Systems”,
  • “Mathematical Methods for Analysis of Machine Dynamics”,
  • “Computer Modeling of Dynamics and Vibration Protection of Rotating Machinery”,
  • “Computer Modeling and Analysis of System Dynamics”,
  • “Pre-Diploma Internship”,
  • “Scientific Research Internship”,
  • “Finite Element Method”
Scientific interests: theory of dynamic processes, numerical methods for the problem of eigenvalues ​​of a dynamic operator, theoretical and applied problems of quadratic programming.