Congratulations on the new school year!

Summer has flown by, autumn is on the threshold… For our first-year students, this is the first September in their adult life. Without the first bell, but immediately with classes. Without a class teacher, but with a curator. Without total parental control, but with a lot of unfamiliar types of work.

We wish our first-year students not to get lost, find new friends, and gain real knowledge and skills that will come in handy in adult life!

Another academic year in distance format. With the expectation of blackouts, constant air alarms and faith in our Victory.

Another year, which we urge you to use with advantage – build your pool of soft skills this academic year!

We would like to wish all of us – both students and teachers – to finally meet in person on the territory of our native KhPI. But for this you have to persevere. Everyone has their own front. We have an educational one. We keep it as much as we can – because you, our students, inspire us!

With faith in the best, we enter the new, 2023\2024 academic year!

Schedule Fall (Autumn) 2023

!Schedule_Fall (Autumn)_2023


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