The main thing
Educational and Scientific Institute of Computer Science and Information Technology from 01.01.2021 united the departments of the Faculty of Computer Science and Software Engineering and the Faculty of Computer Information Technology, which provide training bachelors and masters by specialties:
- 113 – Applied Mathematics;
- 121 – Software Engineering;
- 122 – Computer Science;
- 123 – Computer Engineering;
- 124 – System analysis;
- 125 – Cybersecurity;
- 126 – Information systems and technologies;
- 186 – Publishing and Printing,
as well as doctors of philosophy (Ph.D.) in the following specialties:
- 122 – Computer Science;
- 123 – Computer Engineering;
- 125 – Cybersecurity;
- 151 – Automation and computer-automated technologies.
More information about the specialties of the institute…
Currently, the institute includes ten special departments:
- Department of Software Engineering and Intelligent Management Technologies;
- Department of Project Management in Information Technology;
- Department of systems analysis and information-analytical technologies;
- Department of Computer Mathematics and Data Analysis;
- Department of Information Systems and Technologies;
- Department of CyberSecurity;
- Department of Multimedia information technologies and systems;
- Department of Computer Engineering and Programming.
More information about the departments of the institute…
History of the Institute
There are 2 laureates of the State Prize, 15 doctors of sciences, professors, more than 60 candidates of sciences, associate professors working at the departments of the institute.
Professionalism of the teaching staff, availability of computer classes equipped with modern technology, the opportunity for students to participate in modern IT projects with experts from leading international companies (Samsung Electronics Ukraine Company, Noosphere Ventures, etc.) and well-known companies Kharkiv IT Cluster (Telesens, NIX Solutions, INSART and others) provide a high level of competence of graduates of the institute.
This level allows graduates to achieve outstanding professional achievements and work in international IT companies of the highest level – Google, Facebook, Amazon.
More information about the history of the institute…

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