121 Software Engineering

Освітня програма Інженерія програмного забезпечення

Specialty 121 “Software Engineering” – a field of research on software development, the application of a systematic, disciplined, measurable approach to the development, operation and maintenance of software, as well as the study of these approaches

Educational Program

Software Engineering

Graduating Department

Software Engineering and Intelligent Technology Management

Brief description

Educational program involves the training of specialists in software design, development, design and testing. Curricula are based on the experience of leading European and American universities, as well as the needs of IT companies and information and analytical departments of enterprises and organizations.

Employment opportunities

PU leading IT companies (NIX Solutions, Telesens, EPAM, SoftServe, Global Logic, Sigma Software, INSART, Academy SMART, Kharkiv IT Cluster) in the following positions:
• Business Analyst,
• architects (Architector, System Analyst),
• Software developers (Middle, Senior Developer),
• QA engineer,
• Project Management Specialists.
In the information and analytical departments of enterprises and organizations as specialists in the implementation, development and maintenance of IT infrastructure in the following positions:
• software engineers,
• heads of IT departments.

Selective educational components (Profile blocks). Brief description

1. Research and Development

The profiled package of disciplines includes educational components that include in-depth study:
• basic theoretical and practical provisions for constructing probabilistic models;
• modern information technologies, methodological and practical bases of knowledge presentation;
• fuzzy logic and fuzzy decision-making systems in conditions of uncertainty;
• theoretical and practical foundations of machine learning (Machine Learning);
• approaches to the planning of computational experiments using probabilistic and statistical methods;
• technologies for modeling intelligent systems to solve problems of automated business process management.

2. Software Development and Startup

The profiled package of disciplines includes educational components that include in-depth study:
• concepts and methodologies of Internet marketing, features of the virtual environment for marketing research, products, pricing, distribution and communications on the Internet;
• business modeling methodologies based on guidelines and approaches of modern information technologies;
• methods and information technologies of data collection from various sources and preparation of analytical reports necessary for the organization and operation of business;
• business planning methods, procedures and technologies;
• prototyping of software, features of script development and construction of interactive prototypes for demonstration to future users;
• the essence of entrepreneurship, its types, types, properties and functions.

3. Innovation Campus

The profiled package of disciplines includes educational components that include in-depth study:
• development of information systems to ensure the operation of large enterprises, corporations and other business structures;
• development of databases to solve the problems of storage and data processing in the work of large enterprises, corporations and other business structures;
• development of software architecture for large enterprises, corporations and other business structures;
• design of web applications in accordance with the defined requirements with the use of effective technologies for the implementation of software systems;
• basic principles of formation and development of IT-project teams.