126 Information systems and technologies

Specialty 126 “Information systems and technologies” is a system of methods, processes and ways of using computers and communication systems to create, collect, transmit, search, process and disseminate information in order to effectively organize human activities.

Information technology means the processing of information based on computer systems.

Educational Program

Information Systems Software

Graduating Department

Information Systems and Technologies

Brief description

The purpose of the educational program is to train professionals focused on the development, implementation and operation of information systems at the enterprise level. An integral part of the program is the cooperation with the University of Slovakia School of Economics and Management in Public Administration in Bratislava (VŠEMvs) within the joint program of double degrees.

The educational program includes training aimed at training specialists in software development for specialized information systems using modern technologies. The curriculum was developed on the basis of the interaction of the Department of ICT with leading European universities in France, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Liechtenstein, Norway, Slovenia and Lithuania in the framework of the international project MASTIS.

Employment opportunities

In leading IT companies (NIX Solutions, Telesens, EPAM, SoftServe, Global Logic, Sigma Software, INSART, Academy SMART, Kharkiv IT Cluster) in the following positions:
• Business Analyst,
• architects (Architector, System Analyst),
• Software developers (Middle, Senior Developer),
• QA engineer,
• Project Management Specialists.
In the information and analytical departments of enterprises and organizations as specialists in the implementation, development and maintenance of IT infrastructure in the following positions:
• software engineers,
• heads of IT departments.

Selective educational components (Profile blocks). Brief description



