Experimental Base

The institute has a big scientific and production complex including the experimental base and infrastructure of its life support situated in settlement Ahdreevka and intended for conduction of full-Генератор импульсных напряженийscale tests for damaging and destabilizing action of high-power electromagnetic disturbances of natural and artificial origin (lightning discharges, electromagnetic pulses of sources of various origin, discharges of static electricity, electromagnetic fields of high-voltage power transmission lines and contact system of railroads and other) of various in size objects of industry(including objects of aerospace equipment), economical, cultural and domestic and medical destination that have radio- and electrotechnical equipment in their base.


High-voltage testing plant GINT-12-30

Высоковольтная испытательная установка ГИНТ-12-30


Unique high-voltage testing plants IEMI-10, GINT-1.6-5 and GINT-12-30 that allow to carry out complex works in the above-mentioned areas are situated at the experimental base of the institute. These plants include generators of pulsed voltage up to 5MV, generators of pulsed currents up to 200 kA and modern instrumentation. The developed infrastructure of the experimental base of the institute allows conducting such investigations and tests the year round with the observance of necessary conditions and effective standards.


High-voltage testing plant IEMI-10

    Высоковольтная испытательная установка ИЭМИ-10


In 2001 its experimental plants were included in International register of unique testing equipment (IEC 61000-4-32) representing Ukraine along with analogous plants of USA, France, Germany and others. The unique experimental base of the institute has no analogues in Ukraine and CIS countries and also in the countries of Europe and Asia in its technical equipment, possibilities and characteristics. The status of National Heritage was given to the experimental base of RDI “Molniya” by the decree of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from December 19, 2001 № 1709.



Постановление Кабинета Министров Украины о внесении Экспериментальной базы в перечень научных объектов, составляющих национальное достояние

Согласно Постановлению Кабинета Министров УКРАИНЫ от 19 декабря 2001 № 1709 Экспериментальная база опытно-испытательного полигона Научно-исследовательского и проектно-конструкторского института «Молния» Национального технического университета «Харьковский политехнический институт» (п.г.т. Андреевка Балаклейского района Харьковской области) внесена и утверждена в перечень научных объектов, составляющих национальное достояние.


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